Shop Closed since update

If you run Windows 7, it is a known issue. For others, you can help the investigation by providing the requested information in this Tech Support thread:

Same issue. On windows 10, the shop in games like OW and HOTS work just fine and allow me to purchase tokens or gems. Since the Hearthstone update I get shop is closed. My account has been fully setup for several years. I have repaired and uninstalled/reinstalled since the game is quick to install but the same issue. Wrote into support but they just gave me the same steps to try that I have already completed.

Same problems, done everything twice now.

same problem, store closed

shop closed win 10 since updates

Shop been closed for days. Windows 10/ USA

I have no access to my Shop AND ARENA since patch (12.05). Patch that supposed to fix the problem didnt help at all and GMs that I talked about it cant do anything (I was speaking to 5 of them and they are helpless). Im on Windows 10. Everything works on android but not on my PC. Waiting for a fix, because its one week now… I paid for every adventure in real money and support HS for 6 years by buying packs just to get this bug that cannot be fixed. What a shame

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