Operating system: “windows 8”. Region: Europe.
Windows 10
Repair and reinstall didn’t help. It was fine before the last patch.
Silent Storm. Windows 7. Americas
The shop its still closed on Pc, windows 10 , Americas Region, please , help us and fix this problem, thank you.
I got the same issue since i update the game, my shop is closed can’t even claim Nemsy yet. Plz fix this.
Same, I was not able to get her on pc. But if you log on mobile you can access her there. That’s how I was able to get her, I tried uninstalling reinstalling loging out ect nothing works shop stays closed same for arnea.
Same here, Windows 8.1 on EU and arena and shop are unavailable. Gold gain does not register until i restart the game. And no Nemsie ofc.
Windows 10 Americas please help
Windows 7, EU. Shop closed for the third consecutive day.
I haven’t been able to log in for 3 days either. Is there a fix coming? It would be nice to claim the Warlock skin.
I am running Windows 10 and playing in the Americas.
I have not been able to access the store in 3 days now.
I’ve got the same prob.
Windows 10. Americas. Unable to access shop or purchase Tavern Brawl tix.
Windows 7 America…no shop…want to get my hero and buy some packs this is ridiculous you would think someone tests these patches before they go out and break everything.
so, a lot of people is having this problem, and no solution? please, we cant have the warlock skin, we cant buy any packs or adventures, we need a solution
Window 10 Asia. Shop is still closed.
Not working for me either. I’ve tried everything. I would like to not miss out on Nemsy while she is available in the store!
windows 10 pc americas server … thats what im playing on
I was gonna say, maybe test your patches just a little?
Same problem Windows 10 americas server. Happened after patch. I can use the battlenet store for packs but I want to be able to claim Nemsy! Please at least give us an update…It’s been 3 days and no more Nemsy time is approaching.