Shop Closed on PC

Operating system: “windows 8”. Region: Europe.

Windows 10
Repair and reinstall didn’t help. It was fine before the last patch.

Silent Storm. Windows 7. Americas

The shop its still closed on Pc, windows 10 , Americas Region, please , help us and fix this problem, thank you.

I got the same issue since i update the game, my shop is closed can’t even claim Nemsy yet. Plz fix this.

Same, I was not able to get her on pc. But if you log on mobile you can access her there. That’s how I was able to get her, I tried uninstalling reinstalling loging out ect nothing works shop stays closed same for arnea.

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Same here, Windows 8.1 on EU and arena and shop are unavailable. Gold gain does not register until i restart the game. And no Nemsie ofc.

Windows 10 Americas please help

Windows 7, EU. Shop closed for the third consecutive day.

I haven’t been able to log in for 3 days either. Is there a fix coming? It would be nice to claim the Warlock skin.

I am running Windows 10 and playing in the Americas.
I have not been able to access the store in 3 days now.

I’ve got the same prob.

Windows 10. Americas. Unable to access shop or purchase Tavern Brawl tix.

Windows 7 America…no shop…want to get my hero and buy some packs this is ridiculous you would think someone tests these patches before they go out and break everything.

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so, a lot of people is having this problem, and no solution? please, we cant have the warlock skin, we cant buy any packs or adventures, we need a solution

Window 10 Asia. Shop is still closed.

Not working for me either. I’ve tried everything. I would like to not miss out on Nemsy while she is available in the store!


windows 10 pc americas server … thats what im playing on

I was gonna say, maybe test your patches just a little?

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Same problem Windows 10 americas server. Happened after patch. I can use the battlenet store for packs but I want to be able to claim Nemsy! Please at least give us an update…It’s been 3 days and no more Nemsy time is approaching.