Shop Closed on PC

Send fidder file, lolll160820

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Reporting for Duty.
And Job well Done.

Just accept the Cert.
It haz R00t.
R00t is fine, eh?

Edit: Sorry, i cannot compare my Posts. The Mods will fix it.
@Mods, please compare my Posts, thanks for you great Work!

My shop is closed on all my platforms. On 4 separate devices. PC, 2 mobile phones and a tablet. Even trying to switch devices nothing seems to fix the issue.

Reinstalled for mercenaries.
shop either closed, greyed out or uninteractive.
on win7 pc eu server.

Windows 10, Europe. Modes are fine, but shop was closed when i installed Hearthstone for the first time.

Shop has been closed for me for over two months probably, on windows 10 pc. First time encounter this problem in years of use.
Itā€™s possible that installing the android HS app is what has messed this up, as I can access the shop in the app.

I can tell you one thing that will cause the shop to be closed. If you block lsass.exe in your firewall to protect again credential dumping, blizzard will block the shop and perks.

Blizzard are engaging in credential dumping.
Just search for what is credential dumping. I canā€™t post links here.
reliaquest dot com has a good explanation.

They require that lsass.exe has access to the internet so they can get your credentials. If your PC is part of a network you have even bigger attack vector. So I have to disconnect my hearthstone PC from the network.

Donā€™t believe me, block lsass.exe in Windows firewall. After a day or so you will find the shop wonā€™t open. Unblock lsass.exe, re-run HS and you will be fine.


windows 10, europe. pls. this problem has been around for a long time

Same problem here, got the bug for the last 2-3 weeks. I canā€™t believe that there are people reporting this for A WHOLE YEAR and the bug is still around.
I canā€™t access the shop, I canā€™t purchase new packs, I canā€™t play arena.
I tried to switch account, to re-install the game and but it didnā€™t work.
Needless to say, Iā€™m going to quit a game I canā€™t play.

Same issue, 2 years later.

Windows 11 on America, Europe and Asia on 3 different devices

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Windows 10 asia, same problem

Am unable to acess Hearthstone store after checking my account is setup fully and am unaware of any maintenance

How do I resolve this issue? From past 6 hours shop is closed in US region. It is open in Asia and Europe.

Two years later and I am still having this issue. I have done everything suggested and more. I have got a new computer, moved location, changed provider, changed modem. This issue is not on my end and needs to be fixed.

Same issue. Iā€™ve been unable to access my shop in over 4 monthsā€¦

Same problem here.
The shop is closed on both Win 11 laptop and Android device (Europe region).
Hasnā€™t played Hearthstone in a long time. There was no such problem before.

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yeah shop closed strikes yet again today
first one i had was more then a year ago and lasted a week. lets see how long this will be

Same problem. The shop is closed on android. Also, it is the same on PC. I use Win10 and play in Europe. I could play on PC before I downloaded the game to my phone.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Shop Closed after patch 25.2