Shop Closed on PC

So when is this issue finally getting resolved?

Blizz please fix it come on, you aint even payin attencion on the stupid forums here

I have the same problem too…no shop for 1 week…please someone fix it…

Feels deliberate for their part…
or just mean

Still closed after days. did the account set up and everything and on windows 10 but it still won’t let me in.

This issue has not been forgotten. Our team is working on the issue to get the shop issue resolved as quickly as possible. We’ll continue to provide updates when available. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


PC gamer and in America. The in game store been down sense last Wednesday. I really wanted Nemsi, but I guess Hearthstone is sick. We need a doc asap to cure this.

Same issue since the patch happened, I am unable to access the shop. Just sign over it saying shop closed. Unable to purchase any packs or get the hero Nemsy. I am on Windows 10. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game with no change.

Seems that the Plugins folder is not being seen. Hearthstone seems to be looking for bnl_checkout_client.dll and LocationAPI.dll and cannot find them. Could this be the problem with the store?

2020-05-19 03:11:22.181: *** BattleNet version: Product =, Data = 17201
2020-05-19 03:11:25.099: Plugins: Failed to load ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Plugins/bnl_checkout_client.dll’ with error 'The specified module could not be found.
2020-05-19 03:11:25.116: Plugins: Failed to load ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Plugins/bnl_checkout_client.dll’ with error 'The specified module could not be found.
2020-05-19 03:11:25.132: Plugins: Failed to load ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Plugins/bnl_checkout_client.dll’ with error 'The specified module could not be found.
2020-05-19 03:11:25.147: Plugins: Failed to load ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Plugins/bnl_checkout_client.dll’ with error 'The specified module could not be found.
2020-05-19 03:11:25.214: [Jobs] Job (HearthstoneCheckout.Initialization(ID:57)) FAILED: Failed to initialize HearthstoneCheckout: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘bnl.scene.SceneCheckoutInvoker’ threw an exception. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘StringHelperFunction’ threw an exception. —> System.DllNotFoundException: bnl_checkout_client
at (wrapper managed-to-native) bnl.scene.SceneCheckoutInvoker+StringHelperFunction.RegisterStringCallback_SceneCheckoutWrapper(bnl.scene.SceneCheckoutInvoker/StringHelperFunction/StringDelegate)
at bnl.scene.SceneCheckoutInvoker+StringHelperFunction…cctor () [0x00011] in :0
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object.__icall_wrapper_mono_generic_class_init(intptr)
at bnl.scene.SceneCheckoutInvoker…cctor () [0x00000] in :0
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at bnl.scene.IDiagListener…ctor () [0x00000] in :0
at DiagListener…ctor (IDiagListener diagListener) [0x00000] in :0
at HearthstoneCheckout+d__87.MoveNext () [0x0009c] in :0

2020-05-19 03:11:25.266: [BattleNet] [Main] Unexpected state changes WaitForInitRPC -> InitRPC (Void LogWarning(System.String, System.String) at :0)
2020-05-19 03:11:26.482: [BattleNet] [Main] Unexpected state changes WaitForInitRPC -> InitRPC (Void LogWarning(System.String, System.String) at :0)
2020-05-19 03:11:44.088: show postition = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (5.0, 5.0, 5.0)
2020-05-19 03:11:49.018: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.021: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:49.023: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.025: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:49.028: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.030: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:49.033: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.035: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:49.040: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.042: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:49.044: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unrecognized profile notice

2020-05-19 03:11:49.046: Network.GetProfileNotices(): Unhandled notice type! This notice will be lost!

2020-05-19 03:11:59.011: Base User Folder : C:/Users/allan/AppData/LocalLow/Blizzard Entertainment/Hearthstone
2020-05-19 03:11:59.014: Base Global Folder: C:/Users/allan/AppData/LocalLow/Blizzard Entertainment
2020-05-19 03:11:59.016: Base Common Folder: Telemetry
2020-05-19 03:11:59.139: RegisterScreenBox tempGuardianVars=NetCache+NetCacheFeatures
2020-05-19 03:12:01.051: [HealthyGaming] CAIS ServerEnabledForPlatform=False AccountCAISForChina=False Country=PHL TimeSec=61.68104 PlayedTimeMin=0 RestedTimeMin=0 SessionStartTime=4003712640
2020-05-19 03:12:02.667: Plugins: Failed to load ‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Hearthstone/Hearthstone_Data/Plugins/LocationAPI.dll’ with error '%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
2020-05-19 03:12:41.050: Couldn’t find Favorite Hero for hero class: WHIZBANG defaulting to Normal Vanilla Hero!
2020-05-19 03:12:41.154: No hero power set up for hero BOT_914h

2020-05-19 03:12:58.683: [BattleNet] [Games] Version mismatched. Client: Server:1570918 (Void LogWarning(System.String, System.String) at :0)

As of this latest update, version, the shop is still not working for me.
Windows 7 64bit, Americas and Asia server.
I can’t buy into arena, unlock Nemsy, or buy packs.

Havent been able to access the shop since last weeks update.

Windows 10 64 bit
America region

Win10 Americas

Still no shop/perk functions after 5/18’s update.

Windows 7 x64 Europe

Windows 10 Pro Americas haven’t had a shop since the last update. Shop works on my tablet though.

A week feels like it has been forgotten. Some communication on the nemsy thing would be great on top of fixing it

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win 8 eu server shop still dead

the problem here is getting nemsy here… we can’t get her and I will not buy a new celphone just to get it.

Quick update FWIW: As with others, the latest patch hasn’t resolved the issue.

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i really do hope u give us nemsy after u fix this problem, because we cant log in to the shop until 19 to get her. and i dont like double standarts in real life what about in game.

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Still can’t access shop. Looks like I’m losing the chance for the free hero…

Windows 10 here