
Signature Northshire Cleric @350 Event XP Reward

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Glad you like this one. I personally do not. :grinning:


Did they buff the ta-tas?

I prefer nerfed, but I know some of y’all like it buffed.

Jokes aside. yes, i’s a nice-looking card I’ll never play.

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Ugh… Even launched the game to check it and had to take a closer look — this doesn’t seem to be the most prominent feature of the art in general, you must have been paying particular attention and specifically looking for this detail to spot the difference. :grinning:

Who is this “y’all” you speak of? Like Y’Shaarj, except smaller, i.e. without capital letters, for instance? :grinning:

Jokes aside, the new version looks more… politically correct. On second thought, if it depicts the same character, then it’s a so-called ‘blackface’ case, I wonder how that got past the censorship department.

PS Please don’t take this bit very seriously. :grinning: I’d prefer banter to a flame war.

In general, I don’t like the style of many of the latest signature cards, to be honest. Even that ‘icy sepia’ looked more interesting to me than the newest rendition of the Explorers’ League, resembling some childish drawings… I dunno, a matter of taste, I suppose. Don’t dig those depictions of the Old Gods or Loatheb either, although I suppose it’s a different style regarding the former. Gadgetzan criminals are okay, I guess, there’s some flavour to them, and so might be the Deathlord. Those other three legendaries are more or less fine, I suppose.

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They should absolutely release an amalgam called Y’all xD

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With a minion type: Y’all. :rofl:


Oh, but I forgot to write about the card in question. :grinning: By bad. The problem here, in my view, is that the original art — at least at its size — looks much… cleaner, I dunno, to me, and the signature version appears sloppily drawn.