How is it that, in one game, there are enough cards for other players to build five Undead decks, but as the only Beasts player, I can refresh eight times before seeing my first Beast card?
Because you were supposed to be playing pirates and because forcing your favorite tribes, even when no one else is playing them, is a recipe for failure.
Adapt and overcome. Its not a choice.
How the heck do you know what you’re “supposed to” be playing? lol
It wont be obvious every game, but usually when the early taverns have a tier 1 or 2 minion that could fit into the late game build of its tribe, thats an indicator.
Other times the line is a niche hybrid build that pans out into a strong endgame.
The key is knowing everything available and what will scale best in relation to whats being offered.
Very seldomly will i find myself without a good gameplan by turn 4, and even less often rolling 8 times for something instead of tiering up.
You weren’t supposed to win that lobby, and the game acted accordingly.
That’s wild speculation. It’s just wrong gameplay to refresh willy-nilly. If you refresh willy-nilly and you lose your gold that way then it’s on you.
No. That’s observation.
Indeed. Wouldn’t affect the game result though.
Of course it is not. I don’t do that.
At the start you buy highest value cards and upgrade tavern until you find some enabler combo, like ghoul+abo for overflow Undead
Then u fixate said build