Shaman needs support pls

Can you please add some better cards for shaman, right now the only decent deck (~50% wr) is the aggro shaman. Overload usually isn’t worth the payoff and there aren’t enough cards that interact with overload, yet there are plenty to interact with soul fragments. Please support the shaman community. Tnx.


Probably going to happen in the mini-expansion, so we have to wait a few more months.

I have everything from shaman and I can tell you that any shaman deck today is rubbish! I only play in the wild mode, my opinion is about the wild mode and it is a fact: Shaman in the wild mode sucks!

I really want to know WHAT THE *** they expect us to play. There is only half baked feces and no card draw. Is their philosophy that as long as there is windfury and rockbiter, shaman can make do with cheap whatevers?

Hoping they add more Murloc and spell damage synergy. I don’t play doomhammer / Inara deck so not sure what they need.

Murloc def needs more card draw and Firemancer Flurgi legendary is kinda trash compared to the older legendaries - especially with no card draw…

Really miss my Squallhunters with lavaburst and Cumulo-Maximus!

If they do that I’m definitely going with Murloc shaman in wild. It’s so crazy. Cant wait.

I dont know about Standard, but in Wild i am playing Murloc and Totem Shaman (both aggro), which are at least viable to Platinum. Jade Shaman should be viable up to Platinum too. Havent tried out Big Shaman yet, but it seems to be the most viable option to get to Legend. There also seems to be an Even-Shaman that went top 10 legend on the chinese servers. I myself also tried out Odd-Totem Shaman, which is quite funny to play since you can spam the new strength totem.

There seem to be enough decks that are at lest decent enough to be playable, but certainly not on the highest skill level. But i doubt this matters, since the vast majority of Hearthstone players do not play on the highest skill level.

I think murloc shaman can get to legend. I’ve played against some. Speed is incredible!

Do you mean in wild? I’m F2P so I d/e all my wild cards when they rotate. Looking back at the older wild murloc cards it looks like a lot of fun!

I love Murloc Shaman in Wild and Standard, though the one in Wild seems more viable at higher ranks. I’m also really enjoying Murloc Warlock in Classic.

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Yup! Wild. Incredible speed. Btw for f2p, wild is a lot cheaper. Every expac you just need to have a few cards cos the rest just don’t cut it. Very easy to get without spending anything. I’ve spent $30 playing since launch, and except for two packs, they are for adventures Naxx and BRM.

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For the control side of shaman, they NEED 5+ cost spells. Shaman lost Witches Brew and access to Groundkeeper, because they lost so many 5 cost spells. Also card draw would definitly be nice.

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Murloc Shaman is very strong in Wild. Its only bad matchups is Reno decks, which can discover Hungry Crab on turn 3.
In Standard, probably not good enough.
I remember one staff member said Shaman is meant to have no card draw (only card generation). So don’t expect any card draw for Shaman in the future

Yeah, its too late now since I’ve DE every rotate but I kinda regret it now. My original thought was Blizz was going to make standard the more balanced mode, lol.

Standard sucks so might as well embrace the crazy combos of wild, but I can’t :frowning:

Murloc shaman deck is a big crap, it even works for you to get to diamond 5, from then on it’s rubbish!! Diamond 3, every mage is a secret mage, what’s murloc’s garbage going to do?? My Shudderwock deck, obliterates murloc! The problem is a secret mage deck!! You don’t become a legend with a murloc deck! I do not believe!! Shaman sucks!! I find it easier to catch legend with the secret mage deck!! Already give up on the shaman!!

I can’t imagine getting to diamond 5 by playing it.