Several tier 6 minions on tier 4?

so, the hero is not a hero that can get higher tier minnings like gal or buddy malygos etc.
and they where both in tier 4 tavern and had around 5 tier 6 minions.

how do you do this now that faceless is gone?

this is not a one time thing, it has happened several times since faceless was removed.

im going to try and get screenshots for the future

Patient Scout and/or the tavern spell ritual of growth would be my guess

perfectly balanced, thats my guess.

Patient scout is tier 2, so at least 2 turns to get to him, and another 5 to get him to 6 so in turn 4 that’s impossible.

Also even if you get only ritual of growth every turn you still need to get to turn 2-3 to push the tavern and also have gold to buy the 4 tier 5-6 minions.

So the OP is lying.

There is no mention this happened on turn 4. Only that it happened at TIER 4. Learn to read.

Your lack of reading comprehention is not a sufficient proof of that.

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Fine I read it wrongly, and now what I said makes no sense (you don’t have to be a salty c@nt over it), what does make sense, is your lack of game knowledge…You can get tier 6 even at tier 1…What’s insane is that you didn’t have any tier 6 by that time, so pretty much means you play at 500 rating or you cannot play bg’s to save your life.

So my advice to you is simple, learn to play since cleary you don’t know how…And if you are seriously offended, well like Mike used to say , …