Seriously lacking in BOT / Throwing detection

So start of match, I could immediately tell that by the amount of time the player took to choose their cards, there was a 90% chance they were botting and/or throwing. I reported them immediately for throwing/botting.

  • So I played first, ended turn immediately.

-They let the rope burn out on their turn.

(that’s fine, if someone does that to me, I do the same thing after playing cards., and then report them repeatedly during the rest of my turn, through their turn, and stop when it’s my turn again).

This repeated for a number of turns, me playing cards, then reporting 4-5x as I waited for my rope to burn out, continuing to report through their turns 3 or so more times. Then repeat.

At some point, one or two of their turns, they played some cards, but still always let their rope burn out. I always repeated the above process.

I whittled them down to 1 health and 20 some cards in their deck.
(as I write this, the process continues, they have 4 cards left, and my intent is to get them to die of fatigue. And yes up until starting to compose this, I have reported them repeatedly as per above)

I’ll post the replay link and look up the number of turns for the match. How Blizzards system doesn’t detect them as AFK/DC when they let the rope burnout without playing cards is beyond me. (1 card to go)

It was so obvious to me at the start of the match this would occur. Why Blizzard and their systems can’t recognize it only appears as a detrimental reason on their image and expertise imo.

My whole means of combating this, is to make the match last as long as possible even though it’s a guaranteed win. Tie up their system/bot as long as possible.

Match lasted 38 mins with the bot and took 25 turns each player. Why Blizz doesn’t mind their servers, bandwidth utilized for stuff like this beyond me.

hsreplay .net /replay/ 3xzwweeR8mepRece8rNEXJ

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Reporting the bots does nothing. You think that the devs are going to ban bots? They have to make the game look active save for the whales and the die hard fan bois else Microsoft will shut it down so they have to fluff the number of players thus bots run rampant without punishment.

So what you’re telling me is that before the first turn even begins, you think you can predict with 90% accuracy that your opponent is a bot.

No. No you can’t.

There are a million things that could have caused a delay. Maybe your opponent’s phone rang. Maybe they went to go grab a drink from the fridge. Who knows? The chance that they’re a bot at this point in time is UNDER TEN PERCENT.

But because you are Dunning Kruger incarnate, you reported someone who probably was not a bot multiple times, over and over, before they even got to take their second turn.

This is horrible behavior on your part.


Yes I am. Yes I can.

Look at my prediction of the game. It lasted 38 mins, 25 rounds each, with 25 rounds of the opponent letting the rope burn to auto end. only two rounds (maybe 3) did they play any cards.

Seems fairly accurate imo.

This could be. Though Blizzard does have a system in place to detect inactivity and respond with “Your Opponent has left the match.”. 30+ minutes to answer a phone, get a drink, or what ever, not doing anything?

Appears like you didn’t watch the replay to see just how obvious it is. I had to start killing my own minions, to make room to play more, so I wouldn’t have a full hand as fast and end up with fatigue sooner.

That may be. How else do you explain 15+ minutes of not playing a card, and just letting your turn end in rope burn for 17 turns in a row (didn’t check the actually nums, but they played cards 2x out of 25 of their turns.)?

And what did they do on their second turn? I’d have to check now, but I suspect it was, play 0 cards and let turn end in rope burn.

You’re entitled to feel the way you do. It’s also “horrible behavior” that you’re defending them.

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That’s not a prediction, that’s a self fulfilling prophecy. If you got matched against me, chances are I’m playing distracted on the mulligan and you’re going to think I’m a bot. Then, after you report me a dozen times, I’m going to get an automatically generated email saying that my account is under review. As soon as I notice the email notification I absolutely guarantee you I am roping you every single turn and drawing the game out as long as possible.

Maybe if you don’t want to have bad experiences with other players, you shouldn’t abuse the report feature.

The meaning of that term, is not what happened in this game. It was a good use of a psychology term to try and validate and assert you know what you are talking about.

I might

My experience is that multiple reports from the same player against the same offending player, has no bearing on how quickly an account/complaint is reviewed, and action taken. I don’t know about the emails, but multiple complaints from DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS could/might lead to more immediate action. 40 some reports from/to the same account is no different than 1 complaint about 1 offender.

EDIT: I should note, that in all the years I’ve played HS, the number of times I’ve raged-quit, and just got up and walked away letting the match continue with me not present, is vast. Never once have I ever come back 10-20-30 minutes later, to find an email about my account under review. You’d think that over the years, at least one of my opponents that experienced this from me, would report me multiple times, and I would get an email as they were continuing to play actively for the duration (likely quest completions - play x cards etc.)

First I’ve heard of someone doing that. Sounds more like your trying to use my own actions and methodology of play to try and validate your opinion about the afore mentioned offender by claiming to use the same actions and methodology. Sorry but I strongly don’t believe this assertion of yours for this part.

You’d know better than me. I’ve only reported one person ever, and it was for (antisemitic) hate speech after I foolishly accepted their friend invite.

But there are essentially two possibilities: either your report is the “straw that breaks the camel’s back,” or it isn’t. If it isn’t, then the report is pretty useless. It has no immediate impact. But if it is, they’re getting that email right away, because it’s a mostly automated system, and they’re likely to respond how I described earlier.

It isn’t foolish to accept an invite so you can discuss a match, even if it is with frustration about an apparent one sided match. Of course how that frustration is communicated is another story.

imo, never should it devolve into hate speech.

edit: You need to report more

I can believe that. if they need 100 of the same reports for the same thing against the same person, and they currently have a tally of 99/100, yes it could be.

Mainly, though it does increase the tally. Basically one report from me increases the tally by one. Forty-seven reports from me, also increase the tally by one (not 47).

though if you pull your privacy info all 47 would show up (there is some limit of like 100 most recent)

Again I don’t know how quickly emails (auto or otherwise) are sent.

I also “can not/have no way of” determining that during a match where a player has 2 health left, I have 35, they have 18 cards, and I have 27, that the reason they started to let their rope burn continuously, is because I reported them on turns 6 & 7, for not playing anything and just letting their rope burn on turns 4 & 5.

Being reasonable it seems kind of clear, imo.

i think i keep roping i need big brains to play 1 mana minion brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

What a shame… You’re so brave.

Yeah you can if they are rope bot, they don’t switch cards and they don’t hit the ready button.

What games are you playing and want to switch? I’m sick of rope bots.