Seriously Kangor

I truly have no words for playing against this dumpster fire of a deck.

but u just said some words

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Such wit. Very clever.

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but ur contradicting!!!

It tricked me the first time I’ve played a Kangor Deck. But now? A silence and it’s 5 mana wasted. A return and it’s 5 mana wasted. A Kangor deck relies on very good top deck drawing.

Don’t believe me? Try it yourself. See how slow the Kangor really dances…


No you’re looking for a dopamine bump. Glad to provide.

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but u have words wdym

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This has been my experience too.

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Facts over feelings buttercup.

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There’s also the Control Warrior deck half of which becomes useless if your Odyn gets counterspelled when you try to play it.

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omg hes projecting run

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