See ya! Not getting a dime outta me

I just went against a priest on turn 8. Took a double turn with whatever card that does that. He filled the board on turn 8 mind you. with a full board with everything over 8/8. basically a one shot that you cannot avoid. A fukin double turn? are you serious? 16 mana crystals to work with that’s not counterable. Holy shyt get ur game together. I’m out.

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so you spent 7 turns doing nothing?

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his board was empty. He summoned a legendary that gave him a double turn where i couldn’t even play my mana. so he had 16 mana crystals and can attack with what he summoned in one turn.

and up to that turn you did nothing

you just let them play cards, and you never did anything

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There is no shame in that… just count for such thing next time and build some defense… new meta, new tricks.