Secret mage, all welcome lets brainstorm

I feel like the main reason secret mage feels bad to lose against is more then just losing to a good deck. I feel like counterspell/objection creates a toxic situation similar to quest mage, where they play cards and your next turn is skipped. making a “watch me play with myself” kind of style of deck, which isn’t fun to uninteractively watch secret mage play minions with the description “your opponents next turn is skipped”

while these are probably the problem with the deck I don’t have any ideas on alternatives to making these healthy. so I thought I could post here and have people brainstorm on ideas (maybe why I am stupid and wrong, all the way to possible ideas) on how to make this style more healthy.


What rank / deck are you playing?

Secrets are often easy to predict given the situation.

Well at least 1 thing in this game is easy for you to understand…

Not when they are randomly pulled from a deck and discounted to cost zero mana to play. Then its a litteral guessing game.


Gratz to you, my problem is I can make killer decks but ONLY if I have physical cards (have a sorting system) and can NOT do it in any digital card game.

Now I can however build off of someone’s deck and improve but my brain is not digitally accomidating.

thats a good point. maybe if it told you the secret played if its reduced to 0 would change the unhealthy part of it? it could either ruin the deck or it could make it not as unhealthy. I guess ppl would need to study that idea but that is the kinda 500iq ideas I expected from you T^T

I could beat secret mage pretty easily

Except I can’t because well, I am fighting 90% blood DKs so I can’t afford a single secret tech

So it does feel kinda bad cuz it’s like, well I was not expecting you

Secret mage is an Aggro deck. Yes, it can be frustrating to lose against, however, counterspell has been in the game since day 1, it’s here to stay.

So with that being said, not all decks are going to have an equal time responding to secret mage. What do deck do you normally play when facing secret mage?

When you play a deck, something is going to get countered, no matter what. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and play a card and it will get countered, there’s no way around it. However, you can minimize the dmg but playing around secrets, prioritizing the order in which you play, understanding what cards they will try to keep in their mulligan.

Most secrets mages I encounter, (Diamond5-through to Legend) run a similar variations. So figuring out what most decks run will help you navigate them better.

Cards like Objection and Counter spell can be annoying, but they are really not that bad to deal with once you get used to playing around them.

The thing you also have to keep in mind is that secret mage is very aggro, and can run out of steam very fast, so knowing when to make trades and when to go face is also key.

Always keep in mind that they only have 2 copies, until they play some type of discover spell, but there’s no guarantee that they find another secret.

its the combination of counterspell+objection that makes it toxic. it makes it into watch me play with myself while u lose hards out of hand and do nothing for the first 3 turns

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In this meta you can’t afford to skip a single turn let alone 2 to 4 turns being skipped you might as well concede. Objection plus Counterspell is toxic in that way.

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