Second (and Final) Warrior reveal for TITANS!

Yes, when warrior wins, he win hards. But he has a hard time playing the fire buff or Lor’themar, those happens too late in the game and usually, the board is so threatening that spending a whole turn is too much.

Granted, if warrior could do that easily, the class would be broken, because the play he is then allowed to make are way too strong.

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Odyn is mega broken, but shoudl enable control or OTK builds we will see. Every card here is strong.

Isnt there a way to get like 40-50 armor in one turn with naga giants or smtg? I cant recall.

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I think the proper way to look at the card is that it’s for hybrid decks. As in, the first form of the deck is something entirely different — probably aggro, but not necessarily — during which the armor cards are mostly held back, then Odyn and then basically using it as a burn finisher.

Plus, it’s going to be challenging to drop Odyn if you haven’t been fighting for board prior to that.

I completely agree that the nothing but armor deck is going to be a meme. And frankly I don’t think Odyn is going to find a niche until after the next Standard rotation, if at all.

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Yup. Think lorthemar. 1 mana cheaper, same impact the turn he comes down. Same thing, can be game losing played at the wrong time.