That video intro spoke to me.
- Good heavens, forget BRNR. This is a win condition for Control Warrior. Razorfen Rockstar, Verse Riff, Heavy Plate, Shield Block, and Bash are all playable cards that can turn this into an OTK.
- This is amazing with BRNR/Lor’themar, Chorus Riff, and Smelt (below).
- Astonishingly good on-curve if you had a Tuning Fork. Also good in the late game since changing Armor is so easy for Warrior.
- Eat your heart out, Kodohide Drumkit. Between Bellowing Flames, Trial by Fire, and this new weapon, Warrior actually has some survival around the midgame now.
- More handbuffs. Probably the worst card here and it’s still decent. Buff Minotauren!
Honestly, I think there’s grounds for cutting the Last Stand Taunt package and going all-in on this armor-gain with BRNR. Or just forget BRNR and play a classic control game, Odyn can help you OTK later or even just grind down your opponent.
Ignis’ weapon buff that gives armor does so AFTER attacking, so it doesn’t combo with Odyn’s effect…UNLESS YOU GET WINDFURY BWAHAHA.
Just saw the reveal video. Warrior got niced!
All the cards are insanely strong, and a very interesting “For the rest of the game” effect on Odyn.
Control Warrior is BACK!
Khaz’goroth still seems pretty bad, but if you play him after Odyn, that +5 Armor might be useful?
Still probably bad.
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Seems like they were just ruining you only to build you back up with Khaz’goroth.
Most if not all the cards seem very strong. If the Meta slows down, Warrior will be Tier 1.
My goodness…time to play Control Warrior.
Warrior and Mage fighting for Tier 1. Mage to OTK you, Warrior to gain massive armor and then smashing you in the face.
Actually, Smelt is decent for Khaz’goroth as well. Khaz’s big problem is that he is a tiny body that wants to utilize his stats. If you Smelt Khaz twice, that’s a 10/10 without any other buff, which is SO much better.
Yeah, I take it back. Control Warrior is back on the map. Even Khaz’goroth isn’t awful if you get him lined up with these amazing cards.
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Did you see the reveal video where Kibler gains 32 armor and 32 attack damage in 1 turn? lol
The majority of te new cards shoud be included how many of the old cards i wonder is going to be included i think renetal is good for warrior too so many good cards now.
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Yes, Razorfen Rockstar is a sleeper. I used it in my homebrew BRNR list to pair with Drumkit, but if it’s buffed in the late game it can become almost a Reno.
Alone it’s weaker than Free Spirit, but I guess Blizzard was being faithful to us Control Warrior mains and spreading the love out among expansions this year.
I think Control Warrior uses almost every card revealed today. Rebuild the deck from the ground up, it might not even need BRNR anymore. That was the only win condition available to the archetype in Festival of Legends but it was super inconsistent and Warrior had no control tools.
Now the class has control tools and a hard win condition in Odyn, potentially also Ignis.
I’m going to try a more traditional Control list that includes almost all the new stuff, Riffs, Razorfen Rockstar, and maybe even the disruption that we got in Year of the Hydra (Asvedon, Disruptive Spellbreaker and Call to the Stand). Igneous Lavagorger and Tidal Revenant combo with Odyn. We’ll see if there’s space for Blackrock n Roll, but it might end up being a win-more card.
Note: after Odyn, Lavagorger can pair with Naga Giant for a 20 damage burst. But that’s potentially inconsistent.
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Keep the stat doubling stuff for control matchups so you can just go face and win. The rest of the package is control. Riffs seem like a staple.
You can’t sleep on a Minotaur having 10/10 rush gaining you 10 armor and 10 attack later.
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I think a new controly style warrior might have a chance. With thoribelore and the fire package. Riffs, odin the new wepon.
My theorycarft.
2x Embers of strength
2x Light of the Phoenix
2x 7 mana new one.
1x black rock dabu thingy
6x all riff package
2x shield block
1x Thori
1x odin
2x new elemental
2x 3/5 taunt with dredge.
2x minotaur dude
1x remornia
24 cards so far. Room for 6 more cards any ideas?
This is why I think the Last Stand package gets cut. That’s like, 8 or so cards. You could also drop Lor’themar potentially?
Control Warrior might join the ranks of the Renathal decks. The class already has access to a ton of draw.
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Drop him but keep him in ETC.
Warrior also now has the ability to tutor Black Rock and Roll. One could make the argument that you should run an all minion deck, with Black Rock and Roll, play elemental on 3, BRNR on 4 and you’re off to the races.
You could then also run Magatha.
I really am happy for you warrior looks solid bro and i am gona play it sofar the decks i am the most intersted in is druid shaman and warrior 
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Very true. In the games I have had fighting an enrage warrior as a hound hunter, by the time I had 14 cards remaining in my deck, the warrior had draw so much he had 2 cards remaining in his deck. He won purely off of drawing to his grommash before I drew to my faithful companions first.
Renethal control warrior can be a thing now.
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Do you think the dredge gain 20 armor from naga is slow i think that quilboar can work well here too.
Edit - i have a few combos in mind
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Seems like a fun expansion for warrior. I think this is the first expansion in years where I think they’ve done a pretty good job with most of the classes.
Double the health and stats on 5, play minotauren on 6 and get 10 armor every turn it lives (err I guess you have to draw it the next turn, forgot the spell only works on minions in deck). Later in the game that 10 armor also becomes 10 attack. Not to mention thori-belore has about a billion new activators. I think theres certainly enough stall in warrior now to do whatever it wants.
Definitely a decent card draw engine with stoneskin armorer too.
Im not sure how people are going to feel with mage/shaman/warrior all having potential OTK decks. I’d be a little worried about nerfs already if the OTKs are viable in all 3 classes.
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There’s little reason to not run BR&R in a control warrior shell. It’ll have big minions in there worth buffing, and if your deck is based on survivability like that, it’s not that tough to play.
Even if your deck doesn’t rely on it, it’s easy to include.
BR&R into Lor,'Themar = a 22 attack minotauren… Which gives the warrior 22 armor on rush, and 22 attack.
People better be praying warrior can’t survive for those kinds of plays to be common.
Bellowing Flames, Trial by Fire, and Craftsman’s Hammer though.
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Yep, all the workings of a new control combo OTK deck. Survivability into an OTK.
Or, it can just kill you before then, because you don’t really need to rely on that OTK.
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