Seabreeze chalice really?

How dumb is your play test team really?? You release a very broken care that can be played continually by multiple classes that give them easy TKO moves by turn 5-6 and no possible way to defend against it. Ive had a druid who was able to achieve and endless supply of them at zero cost with the added +1 damage and burn down all my minions and take me from full health to zero.

Then you have mage who i honestly would expect this from to do the same thing but with bigger spell burst and wipe out my entire board as well and burn me down from full health.

While im fine with the mechanic of the card hitting random minions and even face damage and +spell damage giving it a buff. Im totaly against this card being able to be re-used 3 times and it having such a low cost to even use. This should cost atleast 3 mana to use each time. 1 mana is wait to cheap for a card such as this.


It is OTK (One Turn Kill, if I am not mistaken) not TKO, but yes… this is one of the new broken combos the players are abusing now, not to mention Lamplighter and Unkilliax. Hopefully all of these will be fixed in the next balance patch.

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Don’t worry, MicroActiBliz will fix these broken combos……

In about 3 (or longer) years and you can bet your biscuits there will be crybabies screaming about it too.


They’re not even broken, having under a 50% winrate across the board.

TBH Lamplighter is balanced in everything that’s not rogue. If it gets nerfed it needs to be via elusive or just doing something about Shadowstep.

Unfortunately Shadow Step is probably the only reason why rogue is even viable but a suggested mana increase to Lamplighter would suck too.

It’s pretty balanced if it’s bounced via another minion (hence why it is fine in everything but rogue because these other decks aren’t even running bounce cards), but if rogue wants to bounce it then it should do so via the other tools available and just give Lamplighter elusive and then nerf the health to 1 so that small minions can kill it.


This is an excellent idea!!

Were you really expecting something better from the people who are currently in that team?

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Agree with the modification.

Just curious because I honestly don’t know but how does a Druid get an endless supply of the seabreeze chalice?

they have:
-toy chest With Spell Damage can “create” an extra copy of Seabreeze Chalice
-Tidepool pupil If the original “3use” drink is cast while holding they can get a “FULL” drink with 3 total uses

these two alone can result in 5 to 6 sets of 3 to be cast total 18times for 36 damage concierge reduces its mana to zero because you are druid and it is mage so if the opponent + their minions have less total HP ==> OTK

add in the minaturize dragon and you have a 1 mana spell damage minion for combo turn along with any “open” dollhouses can get the damage number up fast

add in the tourist: play it on 5, then get 2 or 3 swipes in turn 6 and 7 they MUST target enemys so when recast turn 8, so you have easy combo kills in the midgame


What a joke launch. Really.

Oh okay so I see they may have been mistaken calling it “endless supply” I thought maybe Druid got some new broken thing to make infinite spells or something I see now it was just hyperbole, thanks!

It’s the visiting mage card and seabreeze lol

I hate them so much right now :slight_smile: