Scholomance academy

can’t wait, scholo was one of my favourite dungeons, i really like the theme

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They better not have if they want me to consider it. I’m already not double-bundling this expansion.

Yeah, with epic triplicate protection double bundle is probably overkill.

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No balance for murlocs? Goldrinn build destroyed?

Is this tess power a joke? 1 cost to steal brann? 1 cost to steal whatever busted units AF Kay got early? 1 cost to steal whatever busted units shifter turned into for every hero? (You now highroll if you run into anyone who highrolled.) 1 cost to be murlocs fight murlocs and triple half your board? 1 cost to copy alexstraza 2 dragons? I could go on and on like this for an hour. This power is a complete joke. This power makes pre nerf hooktusk look weak. This hero is going to get to a average rating of 3 mark my words this hero is that busted.

Brann - Completely busted power with kalec or brann and menagarie (Did I just say this is busted with menagarie???) . Also if on tier 6 big chance to hit gentle when u are murlocs. Also what about staying on tier 1 and getting 2 gold token units ready then just going tier 3 for gold grubbs on your 2 discovers then upgrade to tier 4 and continue grubbing the whole rest of game.

Also what about just going murlocs early then upgrade to tier 3 and farm murloc battlecry buffs then jump to 5 for all those bagurgles and primal buffs then finally 6 and hit easy gentles?

Seems op hero for sure maybe even more than before nerf.

Mukla - So you get two 1 cost bananas and opponents get 1. So a 1 mana gain +1/+1 per turn over opponents per turn. Seems you have to have cave hydra before this is even kinda good.

Aranna - Maybe she is tier 3 now instead of worst hero in BG. She is fun for gold grub, pogo, demon farming though.

Hooky - Severe nerf that kind of turns her into malygos.

Mega Amal - So you have to be menagarie for this to work? Menagarie. Then it works. And the works is random. For menagarie. Where lightfang is trash. Menagarie. In BG. You could have gold lightfang, be queen toggie, get this three times and you are still losing 75% because menagarie.

With brann though and being menagarie its 10 adapts so you probably get poison and maybe shield and with gold brann its 15 adapt so this thing is insane as its a one card poison shield unit so maybe its actually good enough. Again you have to be menagarie though so that pretty much kills you living to tier 6. More poison shield units seems bad for health of game even if you need a miracle to hit it.

I’m not mad that other players would get a chance to have the preorder heroes. I would be mad if they were made available again for a cheaper price. If they ever come back, which they won’t, heroes like Mecha-Jaraxxus, Rastakhan, etc. should cost $80.

I wonder how Kel’thuzad the Lich fits in with Scholomance after WC III.
He founded the “school” but was slain by Arthas while spreading the plague in Lordaeron. After Arthas became a Death Knight he rose Kel’zhuzad as a lich and they both campaigned in the III. war. When Arthas went back to Northrend Kel’thuzad remained as his “trusted lieutenant”, controlling Lordaeron from Naxramas.

AFAIK he never went back/resided in Scholomance as a lich.

This expansion was the first that I had at least one of every epic. I have so much dust because of not needing to craft so many of them it’s great.

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That nax cardback looks really cool, really liking the swirly design on it, going to start saving up gold for that bad boy, also why is it that we get battleground stuff revealed first? Come on, throw us a bone.

Chinese people know how to bribe words from devs. They know it 30 days ago because streamers get to know it but aren’t allowed to leak it, but guess what? They did.

And I bet Tess HP should cost 3. It didn’t say how much it cost. Maybe even 5. And the leak information may be inaccurate because it may be originated from a phone call with a dev.


yup and it will be in the shop, might as well put the pandaria, rainbow etc… cardbacks in the shop at this point

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Boy, I can’t wait to see how overpowered the Hunter/Demon Hunter dual class cards are.

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Has the name of the hero been confirmed? I know the undead have pyramids, but I don’t remember Kel’thuzad having that much of an Egyptian theme.

EDIT: OK, I saw the trailer and stuff. It still seems odd that Kel’thuzad is cosplaying as Anubis.

Thats a kinda interesting perspective. I guess thats why they think its balanced lol.
I dont know about this hero power,its a very slow hero power so you will take damage early game. If you get to lategame then its really good in some situations but you can still miss if the opponent has a completely different tribe.
You can only replace 4 of your minions and you wont get buffs nor golden minions. You can also get tripples much more easily.
How it works when you are tier 3 and opponent has 7 minions,do you get all 7 minions in your tavern or a random selecion up to the normal amount of minions your tavern would have. I guess its 7 but not sure.

Here is to hoping to get matched against people with same tribe as you,sigh…
Great hero for rigging the game,big impact.

Tess Greymane

Bob’s Burgles [Cost 1]

Refresh Bob’s Tavern with minions from your last opponent’s warband.

There is no way this is getting released at 1 cost. Its way too good. And you use this power after you have seen what they have. So you only use it when you could hit the nuts. Crazy. Just absolutely bonkers. I am guess what maybe partially balances it is what never says in that if opponent has 7 minions and your tavern has 4 minions that you will miss 3 minions randomly. Still I think its busted A.F. and will be nerfed. 1 cost to just get brann or if tribes match an easy triple, steal goldgrubs, steal early shifter stuff, steal baron, early cannons, ect.

WE all know how good and fun murzogond can be and this is murzogond for a whole board for 1 cost that you just buy the minion. If you could play murzo every turn and hit the one thing you want for 3g would you do that everyturn? OMG yes you would that is bonkers effin insane.

Not to mention how crazy this is vs ghost if ghost has something good it never gets sold so you could hit it multiple times. Some games ppl get hit fast so you got somebody with a goldgrubbs that leaves or dies on turn 7 and now tess can farm this character.
We all knew a nerf was coming for hooky and this is same. This character is going to be a triple machine.

Need to read more about it but it does look interesting.

Yeah it should be plain copies, because it also gets triples! This will be Tier one for a couple of weeks until Blizz make an enmergency nerf!

So first reports after playing this Tess hero and seeing her in about 5 games is that her power is not op. All the really good stuff with her is mostly late and having a power that doesnt do much until late negates how good it is because you are dead. So I take back how op I said she was. Shes not. AT least so far.

Maybe force murlocs is key as so many ppl seem to go murlocs then you can copy somebodys brann and go nuts or copy murloc board or something.

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But that price also includes the card packs though which wouldn’t come with a the hero and card back. They can’t charge the same amount unless cards were coming with it.

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