Sargeras is the most overtuned card I have ever seen

He is stronger than all the other Titans combined (yes even the druid one that for some reason costs 10 mana instead of 9).

How so? I can list 3 reasons:

1 He is the only Titan you absolutely can’t steal with Sylvanas. Your oponent’s portal will permanently benefit him so you cant use any abilities (except the one that consumes all minions) except if you want to greatly help your oponent.

2 He is the only titan that gives you a permanent benefit with no counterplay. He is a very sad example of massive powercreep compared to Alexandros that at least does not do anything significantly when it is played and only ever does face damage throughout the game thus not providing huge board value.

3 It is an extremely toxic card for mana cheat purposes and it is easy for warlocks to mana cheat thanks to their 7 sins spell. It feels like playing against big priest in wild who highrolls and cheats out neptulon on turn 3 with basically no counterplay.

As a warlock you win the moment you decide to get 2 permanent taunts with decent health from the portal. Noone can really deal with that in my experience.

I am surprised he does not cost 11 mana (there is a card that makes getting 11 mana possible so I think it could be fair).


Well I for one dirty ratted sarg and watched my opponent ragequit after the nether didn’t work.

I for one think the nether skill should work like twisting nether and destroy not poof…, poof is to strong.

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Aman’Thul said hi btw.

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You could be right about the card being overtuned, but it hasn’t made that many waves to require a nerf. Maybe in the future depending on the meta.

But, i don’t think it’s unreasonable to consider making him 10 mana, with such a game ending effect.

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Warlock as a whole needs to be next on the nerf-list, not Hunter. With Hound’s nerf to 3/4, now you put the bat to Arcane hunter. When really, Warlock is running rampant.

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Thats the point. Hes the “destroyer of worlds” so he better be strong.

Imagine having a 9 mana titan card that has no win condition. Besides vanishing minions it’s not like he can attack or buff the minions already on the board.

An imp portal is nothing to cry over.

The fact you think a card should cost 11 mana and think that would be fair show’s you don’t know wth you are talking about.

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When isn’t warlock on the nerf list? Maybe your class should be next on the nerf list?

Maybe you should quit begging for cards to get nerfed and learn to play around them or counter them.

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I wish I’d seen this post earlier. I just stole Sargeras with Sylvanas & didn’t realize my summoning two 6/6 Infernals would put them on my opponent’s side of the board instead of mine! :open_mouth: Immediately lost the game & searched to see if this interaction was a bug or was working as intended, and came across your post. Sad to see that Blizzard intended it to work this way! :frowning:

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The problem is not Sargeras itself, the problem is Symphony and the fact that you can cheat him out so early.

They need to rework the draw highest minion movement.

Imagine stealing any card for a benefit, only to have work like that:

If you manage to steal catrina muerte…keeps rezzing minions for the opponent instead of you.

Steal new baron? Guess what, still shuffles the other three horsemen into the opponents deck.

You manage to death grip nzoth from your opponent’s deck, does it still rez THEIR deathrattle minions?

And so on.

It doesn’t even work like this for OTHER titans! For example, does aggramar prioritize HIS taeshalach, because it “matters for this ability?” Does Apparently not. It should work the same as any other titan and any other steal.

Oh okay cool, guess we can get rid of that part then :wink:

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its a battlecry, so if you pull it out of their hand with a dirty rat, nothing happens

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At least you don’t get OTK’d for 28 damage. Sarg is a joke in comparison to Odyn.

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When they actually stick to their “rule” when creating a card for class.

Back then they said Warlock couldn’t have a card that was too powerful because their hero power allowed them to draw cards, And any card that was very powerful came with a cost like Health cost. This starts to get irrelevant when Blizz start printing out A CRAP TON of powerful cards with no downside and a lot of them can heal, which makes the cost of hero power, not a problem anymore

And now they give Warlock ABSURDLY POWERFUL cards with no drawback and power levels that go beyond its mana cost.

Remember Tickatus? That stupidly unfun card to play against? Symphony of Sin makes Tickatus look fair and balanced, So much so that I would rather fight against it than fight Symphony. That is how absurd the power creep in warlock class cards is.

And then there is the Forge of Will. Turns 4 creates a 7/7 rush that can probably kill anything with a 7/7 taunt that will defend you from any board presence that the enemy can muster. And Combined with Reverberate you can steal HUGE Stat from your enemy too.

And Sargeras itself is, for the rest of the game you get the following effect “block 2 hits, restore 8 hp, deal 6 dmg to 1-2 enemy, spawn 2 3 cost worth of mana” for free every turn. For 9 mana you get all that, WITH the ability to tutor draw and reduce the cost to 3 mana because, again that Symphony of Sin.

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Sounds like you hate Warlocks and I could hardly understand whatever you were getting at.

Yes the cards tend to get stronger each expansion.

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Odyn and Sargeras are stupid…I stopped playing ranked…it’s just a sh@t fest. Don’t really care about losing epics at the start of the month, or card packs or whatever…the gmae is sh@t , has been sh@t for years, should have just stop doing quests long long ago.

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Be quiet. It has nothing to do with playing around them or countering them.

Your response is nothing more than a “Leave my OP cards alone! God! Why do you all complain about them?!”

When in reality you’re over there stroking your two inch hog over the fact you have a card that needs balance and if it does you’ll just quit the game.

Fel off.

Also Odyn is literally a 1 card wincon. Where-as every form of Warlock has now three. And again, that has -nothing- to do with player skill or deck composition.

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At least with odyn, a bad draw of cards can still lose you the game. Getting sarg and getting him early means you almost always win.

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Comparing Odynn and Sargeras and thinking of them on the same level is hilariously dumb. No, They ain’t even on the same tier, Why you may ask?

Because Sargeras has a built-in counter against Odynn if Warrior can’t remove those 3/4 taunt Imps fast enough. You can give Warrior them like 10 million damage every turn and they won’t still be able to do a damn thing because those Imps are in the way.

And this doesn’t even count if Warrior manages to drop Odynn in the first place without getting

  1. Delete from the deck by that stupid Symphony of Sin.
  2. Didn’t get run over with all the gigantic value from the Forge of Will combo.
  3. Sargeras didn’t get a mana cheat and dropped at turns 5-6.
  4. Yoink from the hand from Rat + 1 mana kill minion card combo.
  5. Warrior is not a class with a heavy draw without setup, compared to Warlock with SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much draw power and an even more powerful card than Warrior…how is that fair?

Again, Warrior needs to be able to deal with 2 3/4 taunts every turn. The moment he can’t, he loses. Cry more about 28 dmg to the face when if he spends that much mana for combo, he probably won’t have enough mana to spend on removing those taunts. So he has to rely on minions on board to do that. Oh…wait, Warlock also happen to be one of the class that have A LOT of removal and generate a crap load of minions stat by the Forge of Will too.

Not exactly, Odynn himself allowed that to happen. But Warrior still needs a bunch of cards to be able to reach that OTK range. or even just to have any meaningful effect at all.

Sargeras is just , lol I win with these infinite values, Deal with it.