Sad to see what priest has devolved too

used to be rogues who constantly stole yer cards and beat you with them now everytime i see a priest they are doing that and rogues the last few days seem to have brought some kinda lame spell deck back kinda makes me think they forgot what a rogue really is and what a priest is i mean i can understand and i did love shadow priest while it was around but priests dont need to be rogues they got lots of other good stuff but i guess altar boys proove priests do whatever they want hahaha

They’ve never really known what to do with priest from a class fantasy perspective. That’s why it’s a mess and will continue to be so until they figure that out

Why priest can do a better job of stealing and copying than rogue can makes no sense to me either. But what do you do with a class that’s typically known for healing and support in fantasy media?

You are left with a straight white deck from MTG and that’s pretty boring at this point

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Priest is my fav class to play but they are unplayble this xpac.

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I have never understood why people like the class at all. It’s incredibly boring. Once I’ve hit legend, I usually concede if I get matched up against one. Go play someone else with your 90 card deck

yea i pretty much auto leave on them too jus got tired of them beating me with my own cards i expect it from a rogue but to see priests overly do it jus irratates me shrug

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Remember this year when priest had the best deck in standard and priest mains complained about how awful priest is because they don’t consider anything that isn’t dumb control to be a priest deck?

Ya, so that happened.

Are you in direct communication with all priests?

And why would anymore be a “main” anyway.

Is it WoW that needs levelling?

people have limited amounts of dust or money to get cards for multiple classes sometimes or just prefer to play one class because of its style. it’s not hard to understand why someone would main a class.

I feel a lot of them are not having a dust issue, because if they play daily for at least a year then they can make about a dozen netdecks.

I believe it’s a habit that carries over from WoW where grinding and leveling for gear there is the norm.

WoW wouldn’t have that requirement otherwise, because some people can “main” all classes.


Played for like 30 years now on and off. Always a pleasure to come back and see what sort of shenanigans rogues are up to lol. Pesky class. Nothing worse than priest though. Remember that undead priest that would aggro unbelievably.

I know priest seems like a 100% win rate at least to me but im happy the play rate is so low. It was always like this. Play 10 games and except to see one priest and expect that as a loss!

Current rogue is impossible as cycle is cringe and starships are being bobbed, etc.

lol if all your losing to is priest than you are getting real lucky as carnivore had said the game doesnt let you have a win rate above the high 50% ive been playing hard and i have been tracking my stats and yea i cant seem to break a 65% win rate anymore i wonder how long blizz will allow this to continue? prob till their players leave an they try to change it and everyones like too little too late and hearthstone jus drops off between that and the constant trolls that like to rope every turn i guess blizz has a new motto let trolls push people away less work for us

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oh nono im like barely above 51% total wr but i cant help but play troll decks. but i mean that one priest game is a guaranteed loss as of now/ in history for me.

are you shaman player by chance? i rope them on sight. i notice druids rope a lot to troll too. but for me personally its only against shamans, druids do it to anyone and everyone and its not like they’re thinking anything all they have is 5 ramp cards and one dungar

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For the life of me… Priest is a mess!

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Priests in WoW have a Shadow spec as one of their three specs which is a damage dealing spec that attacks with mind blasts, shadow and void attacks. They also have mind control and mind vision that lets them see through another player’s eyes as well as mind soothe which reduces enemy’s aggro range.

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i have the standard meteor deck i play from time to time but now that u mention it he does get roped a lot lol

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idk man id rather have them copy my cards like rogues than to constantly mindcontrol my minions or to put them into their deck. All the mindcontrol and ressurect decks were far more annoying years ago

yea these days finding a non pro deck meaning they got the recipe online finding games not copied off that is rare but it does happen