Roping should be considered BM and as such players should be banned for consistently doing so

MTG Arena has their equivalent of Roping, and in their game it’s against the rules. It’s one of the most common forms of BM in this game, and it’s easy to prove when people are being complete @$$holes.

Now you’re thinking, “I’m given 90 seconds, I should be able to expend my turn the way I want.” No, you shouldn’t. Having the ability to do something doesn’t excuse you nor should it excuse you to do something. I can add someone and call that person nasty slurs for roping, but that doesn’t excuse the behavior. This is no different. Etiquette exists not because there are things that are objectively good and bad, but that it’s polite or being in good sport to do so. This is where BM falls, and bad practice for the sake of being a douche should not be excused.

“How can you prove someone ropes every turn vs. Thinking and pondering through potential plays?” There are only a handful of decks that require a full 90 seconds to actually play. On top of it, most BM ropers actually play their cards and then sit out the rest of the time. That is explicit BM. Players can take screenshots or video record their games to highlight poor players. The game should also implement a report player system for inappropriate behavior.

“What about AFK players?” AFK players are those who let the rope burn without making a move. Life happens and you can’t always be there to make your turn. Excusing people who let their ropes burn while their afk should only be allowed if the player does not make a single play. It’s essentially a free turn for you, and that’s good enough.

On top of it, this game should 10 second auto rope after a player has no more possible plays to make. Why continue a turn if there’s nothing the player can do? It just leaves a window for people to sit and do nothing cause they were given more time than needed.


I agree with you on the Auto-rope when the button is green, other than that, it is unprovable if the player is actually thinking or not, Grandmaster players rope each single turn so…


Grandmasters Rope because there’s hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line. Douche Bag Secret Mage Ropes cause he hates playing against Warlock and just dumps the two or three cards he can play on turn 5.

It is very easy to prove ropers. Even phones can record game play.


You can see when the other player is looking at the board and cards. If they rope every time and it’s obvious they are afk, that irritates me. Otherwise, I get that some decks require more card combos than others. For instance, usually with decks like Highlander, you’re trying to play the curve and gain tempo every turn. Then you have control decks and value decks, which sometimes require more planning and potentially risky plays.

Banning players not breaking any rules is a great way for Blizzard to make money :slight_smile: Emote spammers should also be INSTAPERMABANNED.

Being sarcastic, get your head out of your behind


MTG arena does it, so losing a handful of players who simply want to be douches to others is a non issue for a company that still makes millions of dollars off this game.

Emote spammers can also be squelched. So that was a dumb@ss example too.

Come back when you have a logical argument.


So switch to MTG arena, you seem to like it. Emote spamming can also be BM, read your own title, and go figure

the problem with auto rope is that it tells the opponent you are out of plays.


So just to be clear, youre defending people who rope every turn on purpose?


The turn time was changed even before beta to 75 seconds. Just so you know.

I personally even feel like it’s a bit short. The original 90 seconds seem the way to go IMO.

But if people deliberately rope I agree it’s really annoying. But still banning seems way too harsh.

After all they make awesome game boards where you can pass time if you don’t need to think about your future plays. That’s what I always do.

I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal to wait a little bit on those people. But to be fair I don’t encounter those often. I still think I wouldn’t mind much even if I would encounter more.

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It’s BM that has its own solution. If you’re too lazy to take a split second to squelch each game when you’re bothered with it, that’s a you problem and not a BM problem.

Me liking MTG Arena has nothing to do with this. The comparison was made to make parallels of two companies of the same niche, where one has clearly made it inexcusable where the other has its fan base saying it’s OK. Since one company can pull it off and say it’s inexcusable, there is no reason other than the lack of interest that this game can’t also do the same. It’s been a problem here, so there’s also no reason to ignore it.

I shouldn’t have to explain all this to you.


They should add some sort of “Roll over” pool for turn time.

Like a baseline turn time of 30 seconds, with a roll over pool of 60 seconds.

If you go over your 30 seconds, time is subtracted from the pool, if you go under, it’s added back up to the max of 60 seconds.


Nah you shouldn’t. Especially since nobody askes you to


I would call it not agreeing with OP’s radical solution. What players do with their time is out of the opponents control, no reason to be upset over it, it can be annoying at most, but you can always tab out/do the dishes/other things while they think of their next play

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This is a self-contradicting statement, as it implies being polite/a good sport is objectively good.

You should meet all the libertarians I encounter. I agree with you, but it’s a contested sentiment.

So you want the game to be 90% time spent afk because a person is trying to “slow-play” to gain an advantage? Thats kind of just ignoring the issue, and there are things that can be done about it, its not like rule sets never change.

He brought up magic probably because thats where the rule came from. Players would intentionally take long turns to try and frustrate the opponent, so it was made against the rules.

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I suppose you are right in that the relation to objectively good or bad is a gray area that differs from person to person. My whole point in that statement is that just cause there are no consequences or incentives to prohibit certain behavior does not excuse a person to exhibit said behavior.

This statement is a summary that most people use in this forum as a source argument to justify turn by turn roping.

Sure a player can do it, but that just paints that person a douche bag. And since other games of similar nature have established this rule as prohibitive, that rule makes a strong contender for this game to implement the same, knowing that BM is one and the same for that specific context.


This is my go-to for people who emote spam for no reason. Don’t care.

Roping is a non-issue for me, I can’t even recall the last time somebody roped me.
Out of curiosity, what advantage do they gain by slow-playing the opponent?
Bottomline, I don’t think it’s a bannable offence, feel free to disagree!


BM has never been about gaining an advantage. It’s just causing unnecessary behavior and stress to a party. You can disagree, but simply disagreeing with someone does not warrant a behavior as excused.