Rogue + Kingsbane nerf when?

Kingsbane should be nerfed gaining insane attack with low cost buff cards to the weapon and doing +15 attack before turn 6th. Re summoning it many times. Should nerf the card or increase the cost of buff weapon cards many of them costing 0/1/2/3. Hilarious.


tech in the card that STEALS your opponents weapon on 5 mana… it INSATNTLY wins the game against them. its actually not even topping past plat. its all druid up in legend/high diamond.

This is a get gud issue. kingsbane has been a meme for a while now.

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You can only steal it if you draw the card. Just wanted to add that to the discussion.

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Kingsbane’s cost should increase with each buff put on it up to a maximum of 10 mana.