Rogue is Anti-Fun

I genuinely don’t see the appeal of playing miracle rogue in wild in its current state. I’ve been in diamond 1-3 for the past few days and 95% of my games are against miracle rogue or even shaman. Even shaman isn’t too annoying to me, but seeing a rogue play half of their deck turn 2 before I even get to play a card because I didn’t have a one drop, and now I have 2 mana to kill 2 8/8 arcane giants, a 0 cost 7/5 Titan who has a free mind control and board clear, and a 24/24 Edwin. I’m all for miracle rogue, but in my honest opinion no deck should be able to high roll lethal turn 2. The cherry on top is it’s cheap to make so everyone who is bad at the game can just hop on icy veins and have someone else build their deck for them and all they have to do is card dump every game without a thought in the world. Been playing since launch and this is the only time I’ve felt the need to get on this forum and express how unbalanced it feels. Also side note, blizzard has got to do something about botting accounts they are literally everywhere now it’s kinda ridiculous

Do you think wild mode is bad?? Come play in standard mode and you will see that the game becomes Hunterstone!!

It’s not even 100% that I’m running into them every match, but it the fact that a rogue can draw their entire deck consistently by turn 3 and I have to see them play yogg 40 times in 1 turn because every rogue spell has to cost 1 mana and draw them 3 to 4 cards a spell. Secret Passage and Gear shift are the worst offenders. There isn’t a class out there that can do anything against that. A miracle rogue that high rolls kill you on their 2nd turn. No other class has ever been able to do that to the exten of my knowledge. And I mean true lethal, but someone conceding


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