thx to the begining 2022 rotation and limitating our decks again to ur pure garbage stuff:
-Secret rogues get KICKED out with Shadow jeweler Hanar and secrets + other specific minions to this underatten but very funny deck, GREAT for ur low diversity and limitations in game : )
-Greyheart Sage aka draw 2 cards with stealth minion HURTS stealth decks so much : )
-Ehereal Augmerchant + Guardian Augmerchans get out so it KILLS THE WHOLE GARROTE around builds making it useless without the + spell damage shadowstep comob ^^ while u already NERFED THIS 2-3 weeks ago THX blizz, good point
-Secret Passage KICKED OUT woooowww, this is a true joke
-Coerce aka ONLY ONE (viable) single K.O spell that rogue have get KICKED TOO, are u srsly ??
-Self Sharpening Sword - again THX to kiling the Weapon Archetype
-Brain Freeze + Wand Thief + prize plunder -another miracle/garrote/draw archetype KILLING
-Cutting Class -another KILLING WEAPON archetype
-Tenwu KICKED OUT, thx for killing the Alextrasa and other combos : ))))))
-Cloak of Shadows YEAHHHH, KICK IT TOO, u make the Weapon type and only one of the survivability tools due to High burst spells or aggro enemys lost
-Ticket Master -nice to KICKING IT OUT with its Agony, while u try to make pseudo Agony Rogue in ur soon at days crap Expansion without an Agony minions ^^
-Swindle + Foxy fraud -another killing to combo/garrote/draw rogue ^^^^^^
soo in conclusion:
-Weapon type Rogue get KILLED due to Self Sharpening Sword, Cutting Class, Cloak of shadows, Coerce, Secret Passage KIECKED OUT
-Combo/Miracle get KILLED due to Brain Freeze, Secret Passage, Foxy Fraud, Wand Thief, Swindle, Prize Plunder KICKING OUT
-Garrote gets KILLED (after ur GREAT nerf too) due to Etheral Augmerchant and Guardian Augmerchant KICKING OUT
sooo, all what we have to play in our near months will be ur MEME stealing random cards and even more RNG Thief/Burgle rogue, UR BOORING IMBALANCED QUESTS which makes the games SOOO LINEAR AND THE SAME + the pseudo Agony type with ur Agony spells (rng again ^^) BUT WITHOUT MINIONS to play around these cards…
srsly, i really dont know how u want to compensate us with losing the almost Whole DRAW options, the Weapon Hurts, the survivability Hurts with ur “NEW” cards LOL
PS: im wondering about saving the whole gold and not getting ur next card packs and just take a break for 3-5 months in this game before u make it playable and HEALTHY again…