Rogue Dead Class next year in standard, Thanks Bli$$

thx to the begining 2022 rotation and limitating our decks again to ur pure garbage stuff:

-Secret rogues get KICKED out with Shadow jeweler Hanar and secrets + other specific minions to this underatten but very funny deck, GREAT for ur low diversity and limitations in game : )
-Greyheart Sage aka draw 2 cards with stealth minion HURTS stealth decks so much : )
-Ehereal Augmerchant + Guardian Augmerchans get out so it KILLS THE WHOLE GARROTE around builds making it useless without the + spell damage shadowstep comob ^^ while u already NERFED THIS 2-3 weeks ago THX blizz, good point
-Secret Passage KICKED OUT woooowww, this is a true joke
-Coerce aka ONLY ONE (viable) single K.O spell that rogue have get KICKED TOO, are u srsly ??
-Self Sharpening Sword - again THX to kiling the Weapon Archetype
-Brain Freeze + Wand Thief + prize plunder -another miracle/garrote/draw archetype KILLING
-Cutting Class -another KILLING WEAPON archetype
-Tenwu KICKED OUT, thx for killing the Alextrasa and other combos : ))))))
-Cloak of Shadows YEAHHHH, KICK IT TOO, u make the Weapon type and only one of the survivability tools due to High burst spells or aggro enemys lost
-Ticket Master -nice to KICKING IT OUT with its Agony, while u try to make pseudo Agony Rogue in ur soon at days crap Expansion without an Agony minions ^^
-Swindle + Foxy fraud -another killing to combo/garrote/draw rogue ^^^^^^

soo in conclusion:

-Weapon type Rogue get KILLED due to Self Sharpening Sword, Cutting Class, Cloak of shadows, Coerce, Secret Passage KIECKED OUT

-Combo/Miracle get KILLED due to Brain Freeze, Secret Passage, Foxy Fraud, Wand Thief, Swindle, Prize Plunder KICKING OUT

-Garrote gets KILLED (after ur GREAT nerf too) due to Etheral Augmerchant and Guardian Augmerchant KICKING OUT

sooo, all what we have to play in our near months will be ur MEME stealing random cards and even more RNG Thief/Burgle rogue, UR BOORING IMBALANCED QUESTS which makes the games SOOO LINEAR AND THE SAME + the pseudo Agony type with ur Agony spells (rng again ^^) BUT WITHOUT MINIONS to play around these cards…

srsly, i really dont know how u want to compensate us with losing the almost Whole DRAW options, the Weapon Hurts, the survivability Hurts with ur “NEW” cards LOL

PS: im wondering about saving the whole gold and not getting ur next card packs and just take a break for 3-5 months in this game before u make it playable and HEALTHY again…

I’m amazed you already have information on how the 2022 Core set is going to look as well as the first expansion of 2022.


Join the classic squad, every day is a rogue day. Good players can win any matchup, even the counter ones (handlock + freeze mage). Plus, miracle has plenty of room for skill and brain flex.

Yeah, Rogue is definitely dead next year.

There’s definitely not going to be a brand new Core set introduced to give them a new baseline set of tools.

And there ABSOLUTELY isn’t going to be an expansion full of cards…

Also, can you believe that NO OTHER CLASS is having any cards rotate to Wild???


you think thats bad you should see what all the other 9 classes are losing, its gonna be nuts, whats even worse is no class will ever gets any new cards ever again

whats that? i’m wrong? we get new cards and new decks? oh well, ok then


but which new decks ?
i want a diversity of TYPES, not only BOORING variations of the same pure/semi aggro etc or quest-around cards to play the same booring linear games, this new incomming cards, like the hero cards etc and the other which works like a “field” for 1-3 turns when casts, are only a cheap gimmicks which again, will make all the whole decks SO LINEAR in plays only around the 1-2 CORE OP CARDS like quest/hero cards…

PS: Rogues are one of the most specific-cards needed class to works, cuz shes bases on combos and cheap low costs low stats minions with secondary effects which needs high drawing to make any good pressure/impact on the board before die, cuz shes lacks as always of armor gain/health tools or some AoE clears, Taunt minions etc to prolong her live before aggro or high burst…

Half of rogue’s archetype are dead anyways even before rotation:

  • shuffle rogue: lol
  • DR rogue: omegalul
  • burgle rogue: kekw

If anything, the rotation may bring better stuff to that class: the new hero is a very good starting point.
Octobot and field contact will be standard too I think and they are top cards

Thats some off the charts insight on whats to come its hard enouth to know what the upcoming meta will be when you know all the cards but you have no issues seeing everything thats going to happen in the next 4 months.

I need to get my hands in that crystal ball .

We don’t know because the cards haven’t been shown yet.

Quest Rogue is already a very good deck and is extremely versatile in its execution. More SI:7 cards will only make it stronger, as will any good supplemental packages.

Freaking out over stuff that is leaving while pretending that nothing ever gets printed simultaneously is like getting mad that you’re gonna poop out all the food processed by your body without accounting for the fact that… you know… You’re going to eat again.

I mean at this rate, might as well look forward to 2023 and freak out about that as well. With that rotation, everything we correctly have in Standard besides Core will be GONE!!

Don’t you understand?!?!?! In 2023 the only cards that will be in Standard Hearthstone will be the Core set and NOTHING ELSE!!! They’re removing all of our cards so no classes have anything to make decks with!!!


Rogue is like the most consistently good class in the game.

I honestly can’t think of a meta where they weren’t Tier 2 or better.


i dont want more stupid quest cards like the other classes to get another quest around cards cuz its BOORING AND LINEAR, they should never print this stupid thing, just look how the meta looks by far…

first Quest Warlocks in almost every game for weeks with some ocassionally mages, and after the nerf of him, Mages + idiotic braindead Warriors everywhere… while every1 of em plays almost the same cards and make the same linear gameplay… really they should deleted all the whole quests to make this game more healthy instead of this cheap gimmicks…

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quests are fun and we have almsot 2 years to keep enjoying them

would be nice to have some side quests next

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Rogue will be dead. Cards like secret passage will be added but this time, the cards will stay in hand cuz powercreep, you know.

weapon rogue is dumb. it is a strategy killed by a single card. DH and Warrior do it better.

I have played against a handful of rogue players this expansion.

just tell me which way to point my mage so I can shoot!

Rogue players always claim rogue will be dead, yet rogue is almost always op.

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Do tell. Besides Legend where is it played please climb with Rogue. Show us. :wink:

Quest rogue can be climbed with by a 5 year old.


every class is exactly how you described

thats every class

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Quest rogue sucks. Please, you jest. I beat it the 3 times someone tried to play it.