Rogue Dead Class next year in standard, Thanks Bli$$

Hold up.

If people are climbing with Rogue in Legend, why would you say it sucks?

Any deck can lose. You beating three of them doesn’t really matter on the scale of tens of thousands of games showing it winning more than losing.

Over the last 72 hours, it’s a Tier 1 deck according to HSR in Legend, Diamond and Platinum.

The most recent VS report has it as a Tier 1 deck in D4-1.

It’s a good deck.


They don’t have to compensate you. The yearly rotation has been a thing forever now. If it bothers you that much go to wild and you can continue to play all those cards…most of which I couldn’t be happier to see leave standard.

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sure…what does it beat? I have played a ton of game and played against rogue just a few times. The data says its good but I never see it played…why?

good riddance! Rogue has been allowed to run rampant and unchecked long enough.

Imagine complaining about rotation for the class with a consistently S+ tier core set. Rogue has by far the least to worry about.

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Go check out the most recent VS report, the matchup data is there for anyone to see. They even discuss the deck.

Because people rather spam decks like pirate warrior, a deck that takes even less skill to play.

Sounds like you want to play Wild, then.

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Before Stormwind I would agree, now?

Nah, its a 3 deck format atm. Do not recommend for those seeking diversity.

I’m more than happy for all of those cards to rotate cause burgle meme Rogue is all I ever wanted anyways :heart:

Tbh we dont know what will be in next expansion. You can make the same point for majority of the classes, because all of them will be losing 3 expansions worth of cards+changes in core.

Priest is for example losing:

  • entire miracle package (sethek, nazmani, renew, raise dead, rally)
  • big priest things (draconic studies, renew, Soul Mirror, palm reading, hysteria, insight)
  • aggro was killed by nerf to Illucia

Druid is losing:

  • token/small minions (glowfly, fungal, arbor up, greybough)
  • Big druid/ramp (overgrowth, survival, guardian animals, cenarion ward, solar eclipse)
  • Quest - Moontouch amulet (so even less gain attack cards)
  • Celestial/anacondra - overgrowth (it is dead without it), survival, ward, solar eclipse etc.

Every class will lose half of their current cards, that is happening every year.

I watched a legend player, the opponents were playing offmeta decks or those decks were just really inefficient. I just never see it played and grinding right now is not fun. If you tried to rank from lets say bronze ranks to legend you would have a very bad time. There are some decent situations where you get your cards down to 0. There just seems to be far too many answers

It’s literally one of the best decks available right now and is outperforming Pirate Warrior.

I’m not making that up, the data from thousands of matches exists to show it. It’s not as mindlessly easy to play as Warrior, but any decent player could easily rank up from Bronze with it.

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I consider myself slightly under the decent point, and I can confirm that rogue is winnable when piloted poorly, lol.

I had a quest to complete quest lines, so I used rogue (had all the cards) and won three in a row with it. Fun to play, actually.

I think Hunter and Paladin have it beat.

I think Hunter and Paladin have had more weeks with Tier 1 decks over the last two years, but both of those classes have also had multiple long periods of being bottom of the pile.

I can remember very few times where Rogue was actually unplayable, but I can for Paladin and Hunter.

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When was Hunter unplayable? Paladin had a brief stint I can recall hazily before scholomance, but I cant for hunter.

Fwiw I’d consider tier 3-2 playable, and tier 1 good. I feel like Paladin and Hunter are more consistently tier 1.

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From what I remember from Gadgetzan until around Kobolds Hunter wasn’t great until it got the Katrina package.

And even then Hunter wasn’t great through most of 2018, until Rastakhan where they were top dog and have been pretty consistent ever since.

Rogue is pretty much a bottom tier class powerwise overall.

Honestly even if it were just rogue getting nerfed I wouldn’t mind because most rogue decks are so annoying imo.