Roge pirates, just stop it

When will they get rid of this? By turn one they can roll through their deck and by turn two have the entire board covered with pirates, sending bombs and fish weapon. Turn three you pretty much dead.
They should give players check boxes that auto forfeit against certain decks instead of having to go through the motions . The AI puts you up against a mooneater paladin? A roge pirate? worlock with damage sent ot you? Totem shamen? Auto forfeit. Automatic counted as a win with no cards drawn.
Anyone else like that idea for what are auto losses?

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There is one, it’s the concede button


I feel your pain. In Wild, it’s ridiculous. If you want to beat Rogue Pirate, Totem Shaman or Secret Mage try this Paladin deck:


I haven’t lost a game in probably 10 games against either rogue or shaman and that’s all i’m playing against. It will take a few games to learn the mechanics, just be patient. It’s not hard to begin with, but you’ll start seeing which combos are really good. Of course there is the game ender combo where you use Order in the Court followed by Holy Wrath and out comes Shirvallah, the Tiger to nail them for 25 points Lol.

You’ll be able to clear their side easily with Prismatic Beam.

Hey, got me to Legend…

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Wrong. You still have to waste time going through the motions of the flop.
I think you agree that my methods of auto forfeit is better.

I agree, sure. But it doesn’t matter what you or I think or want. Blizz is not going to do what you or I think or want. I mean, shout into the void all you want, I won’t stop you. But it is rather pointless.

This game is the biggest trash of the millennium.

Except that having the worst game of all time in its game catalog will harm Microsoft’s brand image, for example I boycott all Microsoft games because they are trash (hearthstone) as a game.

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You’re crying for the rogue pirate, but the pirate deck that is very strong is the pirate priest! If you are facing a rogue pirate it is because you are very low in rank!!

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If history is our guide. No, it won’t. Or at least, not in any meaningful or measurable way.

Because the world is full of morons, if players boycott shi.tty games either the shi.tty companies will disappear or they will change their policy to make quality games.

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If you don’t like the game, why stick around? There are a ton of card games on the market this day and age. Hearthstone is the best for casual fun. I’d say that counts for some kind of quality.

Do I play Hearthstone when I want to be super competitive? No. RNG has been a staple in HS design since nearly the beginning. There’s no competition in that.

Yes the best game to play in the toilet, normal since the game is a big piece of :poop:.

You launch the hearthstone application on your phone, you throw your phone in the toilet bowl then you flush the toilet.

Hearthstone won the trophy for worst game of all time even in a billion years no other game will have done worse. I’d say that counts for some kind of quality, good quality of :poop:

Hearthstone :poop: microsoft game.


As long as corperate fat cats keep getting there money nothing will change

Except that Microsoft has always paid attention to their game (releasing quality games), we must not forget that they are in competition with Sony. He even asked Bethesda to release Starfield as bug-free as possible.

I doubt he’ll leave Hearthstone in such a shi.tty state :poop:, I think Microsoft is going to have a meeting with Blizzard first quarter 2024 with the only option either you balance your game (it doesn’t matter if it takes months) or we shut up this trash (death of hearthstone).

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Agreed, that 1/3; 1 extra damage from all sources is absurdly strong.
Rogue doesn’t have an equivalent to compete.

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I’m sorry, but you have games (this year) such as Gollum, The Day Before, and that King Kong game to name a few, and you’re saying HS is the worst? I don’t think so.

I’m not saying HS is in a good spot, btw. I just think the comment is 100% false.