Roffle makes stupid faces for YouTube vid thumbnails

I honestly thought I would hate him for so long just based on the faces that he makes in his YouTube thumbnails, but I saw him on someone else’s YouTube and he’s nothing like I expected.

Somewhat relatedly I tend to enjoy hearthstone content more than actually playing hearthstone. I still enjoying playing, but I’m lazy, and watching someone else is a lot easier. I like MarkMcKz, Dane, Regis (loved his duels content), and also Jeef for battlegrounds. Been watching Rarran as well lately. His reactions are often over the top, and I think that turned me off at first, but I really like his Canadian accent. Gonna watch more Roffle soon I guess

Do you like hearthstone content? Who do you like?

This is my drunk rambling post for tonight, thank you for indulging me


sad thing is the whole shocked/crazy faces thing is something a lot of youtubers do for clickbaiting into watching content, i think physiologically it’s supposed to make you think whatever it’s about is a big deal or something or wonder what the person is surprised about


Yes, and that’s precisely what turned me off of certain streamers

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Roffle is good. Also that one girl who I can’t seem to remember.
(Allie) is her name. She has quality content too

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There are analytics provided to content creators from youtube on the traffic videos get based on variables such as thumbnail image contents, and there was one experiment I think done by Mr Beast that uploaded two identical videos with the only difference being the thumbnails containing a wide open (photoshop enhanced) mouth and the normal unedited closed mouth version. The one with the wide open mouth thumbnails performed significantly better and had other related metrics such as engagement in the comments, likes, shares, etc by a huge margin. So the Surprised Face thumbnail is just a proven method to help content go further and return better analytics, and most importantly to all parties, makes it more monetizable, which in turn helps make sure more of their content gets made. Its a simple and inexpensive way to make sure they arent leaving any [money/views/likes/etc] on the table they otherwise could be getting.

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it also brainwashes/tricks whoever watches it

I think he does it in a post-ironic way.

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I’m currently subscribed to Chump and TheTavernLogs. I really wish I could find a more lore/story oriented content creator.

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