Rng to legend, fix it

Blizzard, you need to fix this discover mechanics. Discover was a hail mary mechanics, but now it ruined the game. I never saw a season where all my legend friends are still day 8 of the month rank 10 or 5… all of them said the same thing. Too much RNG, discover has been hard wired and can get out of hands.

Proper deck crafting makes no more sense and this is why.
When you craft a deck, you pick a number of cards that will counter the solutions your opponents has but when 80% of games your opponent draws insane value from discover cards that off balance deck creations strategies, then the game is ruined. Here is a list of situations that happen all the time…

Shaman gets the cold storage card 5 times and copys your best minions and counters you or copies his dock holydae 2 or 3 times.

Prison of yogg either screws you over by buffing every spell on your opponent or straight up wins you the game by clearing board and giving you secrets or giving you some insane advantage for next turn.

Druids getting ramp power with dragons, draws like crazy, coast reduction and buffs on minions and on top of that RNG having Rheastrasza spawn 3 alextraza’s in a row to your face or heals … or having 4 Fye, the setting sun in a row or dragons golems… those cards break the game.

Constructed decks have so many answers, after that its over. Discover is offputting that mechanic.

Plague DK got a hidden nerf, i used to play against them and i would get plagued almost every turn and once i built the deck i had 14 plagues in my opponent deck and he never drew 1 single one and he had 24 cards left, 14 of wich were plagues.

Every game resumes to sitting on the edge of your seat wondering, will RNG for bad matchup screw me over, will bad start up draws screw me over. Seing as how DK can kill you in turn 4 or 5 , aggro paladin can snow ball fast. Will discover give my opponent the clear and edge every single turn.

The game just doesn’t feel good to play, you used to know when you had board advantage. But now because of discover its disruption after disruption after disruption and sometimes its clear and prevention for the next round in the same turn.

when dk came out, you could maybe get 1 to maybe 3 TOPS lord marrowgar or the scourge… but with discover i had games that i had to play vs 5 or 6 of those game breaking cards.

Discover has to become what it was before and blizzard needs to turn off the Zephyr hidden mechanics that’s finds the perfect discover card for the situation everytime.
Usualy on day 1 or 2 i would be legend, last season i got legend on the second day, we are now the 8th and I’ve put in over 50 hours++ and still going from rank 5 to 2 to 5 to 2 again because RNG is just horrible. Nerf the perfect RNG discover system and limit the amount of game breaking cards the fishing and discovering mechanics give. that’s all I’m saying.


I feel you , brother.


Imagine making a solid point on Discover then saying something this stupid