R.i.p hearthstone

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the game has been taking a nose dive for a long time and is now more of a slot machine. Pull the lever and hope you win. You can even call it a Milligan simulator. It’s a joke and I won’t support it . Blizzard can watch hearthstone die because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen with the steps they’re taking lately. It’s only a matter of time they introduce pay to win in regular game modes because it’s already in battlegrounds. Don’t even get me started on the heroic hero portrait for 79.99$ Canadian. They’re insane! The games truly dying and they will squeeze every penny they can before they die… they’re an evil company who doesn’t give a crap if they kill the game as long as they make profits. Disgusting company


We’ve gone through this. Even if the RNG is high: given enough games you WILL show your skill; if it wasn’t like that then everyone would go Legend 1 randomly; even players who play for literally 8 or 12 hours a day do not go Legend 1 without skill.

You have a point ONLY if you play very few games; I mean I personally feel that pain occasionally too; I try to not play too much (especially if I lose) so for me RNG can be brutal but I know if I played more the “true skill level” always shows.

This is mostly contradicted by the facts.

The playerbase grew from release, reaching an all-time high shortly after the release of Knights of the Frozen Throne (August 2017). From there, I would say that the playerbase numbers did take a nosedive, reaching an all-time low shortly after the release of Ashes of Outland (April 2020). However, by mid-2020, perhaps aided by a global pandemic, the nosedive had stopped, entering a period of slow but steady playerbase growth, lasting until just before the release of Whizbang’s Workshop this year. 2024 has been a bad year for playerbase numbers so far, declining since Whizbang released.

The point is, “the game has been taking a nose dive for a long time” is a statement that would have been accurate in early 2020, but isn’t accurate now. Earlier this year Hearthstone had the best playerbase numbers it’s had in the past 4 years.

They already have, they’re called packs.

We honestly need a megathread to archive all of these, “the game is going to die” posts.

I’m personally trying to adjust to the “new” hearthstone by simply conceding any matches that go insane as early as turns 2/3/4 or matches against classes i think are only played by lazy duds. I personally think it is not worth continuing matches where you are getting conned early on. Usually turn into a loss even if you try, so why even bother. But, if you are in it just “to see it play out”, good on you.

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ENTIRE CLASSES are only played by people who by your opinion are “lazy duds”? This seems more like an egotism issue rather than a game developers’ issue. Every class in the game has several archetypes and none of them is played only by “lazy duds” whatever that bigotry means.

ROFLMAO there is very little skill left in this game.

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There’s also very little skill in posting on the forums…