Rigged matchmaking

I play 2 duels with the same hero, closed discreetly with 6 and 8 victories, I change the hero and take brann, magically the opponents are exactly the perfect ones to counter my deck, yes friends, they are no longer the decks that happened before but the perfect ones for beat me, all obviously manipulated with algorithms and AI to cancel the discrete win streak in the previous two heroic duels, really sad what hearthstone is becoming and we all fall for it


I donā€™t play duels

The game isnā€™t rigged anywhere outside MMR/Rank

Good day

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Match making is not rigged.

The game is rigged, from my own experiences, again ill say this, since the new star rating system came into play, whenever i get close to standard gold ranks, i always go on a massive losing streak back to silver 5/0, and then go on a massive win streak to sliver 1/2, and the process just continue back and forth, no matter how i change my deck during the losing streak, i lose, same thing on the flip side i can just have 2 ignites for my whole deck and Iā€™ll win up until silver 1/2.
The mmr/rank, rock paper scissors, get gud, play better talk, is pure nonsense according to my factual observation of my play throughs


you should probably get a second opinion. it could be that you arenā€™t playing optimally and you canā€™t see it. why would blizzard care if you could reach gold ranks or not?


Whatā€™s nonsensical is someone who canā€™t even reach gold concluding that the matchmaking is rigged against him rather than admit to himself that he needs to learn to play.

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Prove it. Your ā€˜opinionā€™ means nothing. If you ā€˜knowā€™ show the code.

The match making is not rigged. Thatā€™s not an opinion, thatā€™s a fact. I donā€™t have to prove itā€™s not rigged; you have to prove that it is.

My good friend,

Iā€™ve been playing this game since blackrock mountain expansion, before this current rating system i used to be hovering around rank 5 to 3.
I would like to ask you a few questions:

  1. Whats your current rank?
  2. How long have you been playing hearthstone?
  3. Do you netdeck, create or hybrid?
  4. Do you play just one class?
  5. How long are your play sessions?

At what point do we blame blizzard? I donā€™t come to whine when Iā€™m losing, Iā€™ve stated my truths regarding this game, it doesnā€™t matter what i do when i hit that sliver ranking i am going to always fall back just to end in the same place, this game has shown this to me for at least 8 months. You donā€™t think ive had friends watch me play to just to see if im playing correctly? Or to watch youtube videos? Come to the forums for guidance? Honestly nothing you or anyone can say can change my mind about this.

That is your choice. Enjoy staying stuck

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How can you say ā€œenjoy playing stuckā€ when im trying to get out of this rutt?
It dont matterā€¦

Best of luck all of you!

I just played big undead warlock. I havenā€™t seen this deck played once all month. 2nd game in is a mirror matchā€¦

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I played from the start. I had 9 gold heroes with a few over 1000 wins. I will second Originnā€™s observations. Donā€™t believe me, just stick your head back into the sand.

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