Rewards Track Update

I really like the new system, I’m not sure what everyone is complaining about. If I had one minor gripe, it would be that playing and winning individual games feels less rewarding, I think you should be getting XP for BG and Duels. Otherwise, the weekly and daily quests provide enough XP that I have more gold now than at any other time in my gameplay experience.


The reward track, with currency based rewards, is FREE!
The only thing you “Pay” for is the Cosmetic track. It is $20 USD for a season, roughly 4 months. That is equivalent to $5 USD per month, which is comparable to most Battle Passes I have seen. Actually, it’s cheaper that a few Battle Passes I have seen, which usually average about $7-8 per month.

We get about same amount of gold than before from playing if not more, with only counting quests XP you should get to level 57 and get 5250 gold while old system would give 7200 gold so we lost 1950 gold, now they give 1350 gold so we only lose 600 gold now if we only count gold amounts

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If they are going to include bonus events and stay on top of actual results from actual players, then this will work out well. The decision to trade out some silly pack placement for gold is a good one, and reflects listening to the player base.

I really think we need to run this system out for a whole cycle before making any final decisions.

I know there are those that don’t like to play constructed, but seven wins a week should be very doable for almost anyone. If you can’t make that happen, you might want to read a guide or talk to some folks here.

That being said, any quest that requires you play in a paid arena or duel mode should not exist as part of a free rewards track.

They need to open up many of the quest completions to tavern brawl as well. There’s no reason why play x battle cry, deathrattle minions, taunts, etc. or play as x class quests shouldn’t be able to be completed in most weekly brawl modes. Not allowing that is pretty harsh.

Edit: They need to make the XP gains for every action conspicuous every time you earn it. Show us what we won and it will help with the grindy feel of the new system.


You could have 1600 and 3200 dust as a reward. I feel like I could then make legendary I want to play or gold and old favorite. A pack for most people just isn’t necessarily enough.


It seriously sounds like this was the hair that broke the camels back… You’ve upset most of your fan base with your blatant greed.
Dusting costs, the multiple expansions a year are great but the fact that you can pay 300+ a year and not get all the cards Is RIDICULOUS.
Pre purchased expansions don’t even give you all the perks you’d expect for other game modes/BP.

The overpriced battlepass and the front loaded quests and lack of gold has royaly *issed everyone off.


I would have been happy if I could continue to earn about 1 pack per day (though gold or quests) but with this system they have made that nearly impossible without a significant amount of play (hours and hours). This new system is a good system, but it clearly is a step down in value that is a huge problem. I used to buy the opening bundles and then play to make up the rest of the cards to round out each set… now I doubt that will happen. If I can’t complete the current set I will never be able to collect older sets which I used to do at the end of a season after I completed the current newly released set. Mark my words, this will drive people away from Hearthstone - and not because they are frustrated, which they are… because they simply cannot hope to keep up with even standard play cards.

Oh, and by the way… Blizzard apologized and called it a “failure of communication” when they released the Jaina and Uther skins (what like 1 month ago) and promised to fix that issue too… I didn’t buy those bundles but I’m pretty sure people are still waiting.


Kindly understand, that XP gain at the pace of turtle’s walk is disappointing, addressing this issue would be helpful.

The way it currently stands, it doesn’t feel better, per level XP gain should improve, Also could you keep the XP requirement per level constant (Initial levelling should be same as later leveling), instead of it increasing every level, XP requirement increasing every level… causes discouragement and feels like each level is daunting task. If it is constant, the expectation is set and it helps to smooth sail.

Thanks, appreciate if you could address these remaining issues as well !!

there’s a free part in every bpass, nothing new

the bpass on fortnite costs 10€ and gives 1500 vbucks (aka enough for the next bpass and 500 spare coins for extra skins in the shop)
the bpass on mw, apex, fall guys etc… also cost 10€ and give enough coins to buy the next bpass
the bpass on hearthstone costs 2x more and doesn’t give any currency to buy the next bpass

i have no idea what are you playing, dead games maybe?

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They are different games and give different things, also hearthstone tavern pass payed track gives mostly cosmetics

Short request: XP system needs to be addressed as well ! As it stands, it is disappointing to see the progress.


Now the math people can’t even calculate whether or not this is better or worse… we already had seasonal events so Blizzard just wanted to freeze the situation with an official response that has vague promises.


One of your goals was to provide more rewards regardless of players choice of play style. I and many people I know only play Arena. How does an Arena only player benefit if even with an additional 1350* gold we will be earning less overall gold/ time spent playing?

Bonus exp events etc is not a solution at all. Such bonus events already existed. We are making calculations based on the core of the reward track. Exp gain is very slow, doesn’t incentivize winning and promotes boting and roping. The system is not fun as it is.

Maybe actually implement a system to give more rewards? Its like you are trying your hardest to give bare minimum. The game is absolutely very expensive and has a high barrier of entry.

One sentiment everyone can agree on is that no one can genuinely recommend this game to their friends due to the extreme cost of having/ keeping up a legitimate collection. A single free deck doesn’t even come close to solving it. Why can I only craft maybe 3 meta decks if I already spent 80$? You need to get your hands out of your pocket and make a significant change to the dust system. Make an impact? Make your players happy? You are handing out scraps and thats why you get this community reaction. Can you really say that blizzard is esteemed in the same way cdprojekt red is for example? Let HS be the change and open the way for blizz. God…


just like every bpass, isn’t it the point of a bpass?

Dont buy it if you dont want cosmetics


No numbers in the whole post, just being as vague as possible again.

Give us all the data if the new rewards is really that good as you preached.


Keep in mind that we are going to need a lot more gold for mini expansions.

There should also be a way to get old cards cheaper or some kind of wild support. It feels like you are forced to get new packs because of achievements/standard/… but especially for new players or returning players there is no way to ever catch up without falling further behind. Another option would be to let us choose 1 free wild legendary or some packs of a set


What about being able to complete quests in Tavern Brawl? I don’t understand why that was changed and really think it should be brought back.


now bring back the 10g for 3 wins across all formats


A level based battle pass is a fine idea, used successfully in many other f2p games. That isn’t the issue. The issues are that the system rewards less than the old system does, very restrictive nature of the system, and some of the rewards made no sense. The “fix” only fixes the last and makes a vague gesture at the first.