900exp instead of just making it 1000exp is exactly WHY Blizzard is a terrible company… THE GAME COSTS OVER $3000 STILL!
You have to address this 3 points:
1.- Not enough with your changing quests that requiere you to play a mode, but also removing you needing to play with epic or legendary cards to complete achivements that grant exp, you have at the very least to give as reward the dust of the card that is need to complete it. For example, if you want me to play Yog, if I have to craft it, I expect you to give me 1600 dust, if you want me to play Carnival Clown, then when completing the quest you give me at the very least 400 dust.
2.- You say we are going to be able to complete quests on Tavern or in Battlegrounds, well, you forgot to address the fact that you dont get as much exp as playing ranked. I play most of the time ranked, from time to time I fell like playing Battlegrounds or Tavern for fun, and it feels punshing that for fun I have to sacrifice progress on the reward track, makes me want to think twice about playing those other modes.
3.- You have said you are going to change exp requiremet for levels. Its not enough with you saying so, you have lost our trust and to gain it back you have to offer all information. Its needed that you show how is the experience going to be distributed, and its increses lvl by lvl, so we know if its a good thing or you are just thinking its good for us, which sorry, but you have done that and have missed the mark many times already.
Address this 3 points and we will, see, cause aas far as I am concerned, it could be just you trying calm us without really trying to make a change for the better.
Hmmm better update then you write…
Why we dont get some ticket free for epic duels.
We want to play this for rewards not to pay all the time 150 gold.
Me gusta el esmero que le ponen al tema de las recompensas y se notan las ganas al complacer a jugadores que se quejan por misiones que no pueden hacer ( hay un “botón” para cambiar misiones ¿si? ) Hay cambios muy buenos como el tema de bajar la experiencia,algo que lo veía bastante necesario. Buen trabajo Blizzard.
Completamente en desacuerdo con tu opinión.
These changes are perfect example of the usual approach: make it appear to really improve sometihng on the first glance, but in reality give nothing more. Just move some things around.
Three steps forward, one step back. As much they walk back, we don’t know where is the starting line. Activision isn’t a good company, the game will bite us in the wallet. The bundles are there to collect from us. Stay vigilant.
I’m actually pleased for the most part with the changes. Any XP we have earned so far is retained so we may find XP levels already boosted after the change.
The only change I see as underwhelming, is after level 50, the max cap on gold is 15k… it’s just split across 300 levels as opposed to 100 so I don’t think you’ll end up with any more than you would normally
But I appreciate the sentiment behind the changes and at least they are doing something - they have responded and put some good changes in.
Hey Team / Ben.
Thanks for the overall concept of willing to change and adapt the main reward track, not now but on the longer run.
I want to speak out becase there’s a lot of negativity on the community and I think that you need some appreciation on the excellent game you give us. I do think this reply took longer than the community needed, but it’s not easy to answer so much anger.
I feel most of what I thought was wrong has been answered one way or the other, if not I think we should have the patience to wait for such ansers.
The game is awesome, thanks!
Agreed mate. They have actually implemented some good changes, and more free packs and 500 gold - which is not to be snuffed at.
They have also taken away some quests / achievements which some players will find hard to complete due to investments
I see this as a positive update for the most part - except the post 50 levels don’t really do anything - its just shifting goalposts when you break it down.
Well done Ben though
Вы не сделали самое важное: вы не вернули 10 золота за три победы. До вас так и не дошло, что каждая копейка, которая капает прямо сейчас, в разы важнее какого-то там опыта, который даст лвл ап через 1-2 дня. Текущие изменения выглядят не более чем очередная подачка.
The levels will reset every expansion. The developers have structured their system around the four month play cycle. A monthly reset would make it pretty hard to get to level 50 not to mention any of the extra levels.
You are so cool. Can i get your autograph?
This would be cool if it were for a first try, but you broke the camel’s back.The main issues are still here I still can’t recommend this game for my friends, This game still cost 400$ every year for 80% of it, while we will have Cyberpunk 80 or LOR for MUCH less. While we will have mini set that will make Darkmoon cost 4500 more than any expansion before. (If you have all card until that) Nice and all, but i still don’t want to spend any money on this game again, i feel this game is someting that does not worth to invest money in anymore the new system motivate me to play less than ever.
Justo me tocaron las 3 misiones que iban a cambiar y decía uhh malísimo, las de 50 cartas con corrupción fue un troleada, porque uno quiere jugarlas corruptas, nunca no corruptas… las misiones que tenés que hacerte un mazo especial para poder pasarlas son las que generan disgusto.
Lo que falta es que bufeen los héroes de campos batalla, siempre se juegan los mismos 20 héroes de arriba y nunca los de bajo win rate, y es sabido que los héroes con poder de héroe pasivas y coste 0 son mejores que el resto.
Lo demás me parece que suma es positivo y celebro el cambio.
When will they include these changes? and I who took it as rewards for 27 and 30, will I win something when I add that extra “gold” ???
When I read it for the first time I was happy, but now when I think more about it I’m still pretty sceptical and concerned about the rewards.
For example, ‘technical’ improvements like the requirement to win 5 ranked games instead of 7 games and making some quests easier - sure, it’s a very nice change, but it does nothing to the rewards.
Lowest XP daily quests XP changed from 800 to 900 - imho, kinda useless for players like me who try to re-roll all daily quests to get 1000 XP quests. So even if get the lowest XP quest now and then those extra 100 XP won’t do much for us.
They are also saying that they are reducing the XP needed for bonus levels, but on the other hand we are also getting only 50 gold for a bonus level. For example, starting from level 59 you will need 4500 XP for every next level. 4500/3 = 1500 XP which is already low, so I doubt that they will go lower than that. And it means that we are getting our gold faster, but the overall amount of gold still doesn’t change.
The only saving grace might be the 20% XP reduction needed to make it to level 50. Maybe it will have some impact.
I want to believe Blizzard, but they are making it very hard. And I think this time it’s fair to stick to the principle ‘Trust/respect must be earned.’ Because they failed us massively so there’s no reason to trust them blindly anymore.
GG blizzard, you are simplifing everything again, like WOW did back in time then we have to cry how shet it became. Then we have to wait 10 years for the game to become good again. I do not understand what is the reason for giving free decks and money for everyone, it will not bring more people to play. Hearthstone was a good game back ago, because it was very hard to earn money, so you had to add real money for building up super decks. Do not misunderstand me - I never spent a dollar for the game, however I could always enjoy it and I could built up anything I wanted. Moreover, it was good because it was hard! Maybe I had 20 legendaries instead of 50, maybe I couldn’t built 10 classes at the same time, only 3 but that 3 had almost all cards. So it was never a problem how much money is coming in per day. But sure… let’s give free money and packs for everybody, it will surely bring more player… Do not want to give a free legendary on WOW as well?
I liked the idea of of the new rewards trackers. Could it be better? Sure. I didn’t notice the gold loss but I never really paid attention to the gold gain previously, but the numbers bore out that there was an issue.
They are fixing it and probably going to tweak it throughout its existence. Those complaining that it took too long I ask you this, “Have you ever worked on an app where pricing and money was an integrated concern”? I have and there are a lot of moving parts when you are changing something like this. Shareholders, tech teams, marketing/social media teams etc. etc. all have to be in line, producing all their pieces before decisions can be made. It’s not just as simple as saying, “Their is a prob and da people h8 us. Codemonkey go fix”.
Now if only you would take care of the mobile fix that has been ongoing for over 6 months. [Main Thread] Cannot connect to Hearthstone on Mobile Data - #380 by LearningCurv-11864