Rewards Track Client Patch

It is a sad, but common disease in all industries. A company starts with a few people who have a passion and with that passion they create a great product that they pour love, work, sweat, and heart into. Their passion inspires a response and their love creates a quality product which wins the loyalty of customers and makes them a success. But as soon as they become ‘successful’ their company - which was originally about a passion - become a ‘business’. And a business needs lawyers, marketers, executives, and investors … all of which have almost nothing to do with the original passion.

Very quickly the people who had the passion, love, sweat, and heart are relegated to “employee” status within the very company they started and the people in charge couldn’t care less about the product they generate (or the people who buy it) as long as it produces a good quarterly report.


You just described the Activision buyout of Blizzard as well as anyone has.
They could not care less anymore.

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That is a bit stereotyping. (but it is an easy trap that many company can fall into)

When a company grows, it becomes harder to manage. Leadership is important that direct the company on a correct path. Good companies may be lesser known as they skip the limelight and concentrate in their core business.

It may happen to a company that produces quality (and boring) products, and no one will notice.

In the mist of these troubled times, I have seen companies contributing to the community beyond what their scope calls for.

I said, “A common disease in all industries” not “What inevitably happens to ALL companies.”

There are of course companies that exist which do not fall into this trap, but they tend to be further and fewer between. And as time passes even the good companies sometimes change direction because the original owners die or sell the company, or whatever.


i agree on: its a stereotyp behaviour; but disagree on the trap part.
it is intentional and well calculated. they have the statsitics and numbers. hs doesnt exist for a year (official release 2014), same with the company even longer.

non of the ips are really passionate anymore, thats why every new release or anouncement is followed by a s***storm. they earn enough, but they seem to missed the point where they have to back up there buisness decissions with their customers and stay connected with the community.

the days where blizz devs are treated like rockstars are over… no company is immune for fall… no one is talking about bioware anymore, bethesda is also on a good way to become a footnote in the gaming industry, and blizzard is also knocking on the door.

Mr. J. Allen Brack, your halfbacked appology isnt forgotten! your talk about responsibility isnt forgotten, aswell!! and no, it isnt true anymore, blizzard doesnt bring ppl & players together. your lies, you poor products bring ppl together, for s***storms and for pointig out your false promises and lies.

we dont need apologies, its a experienced company, you know what you are doing, if not take your time, use your joker: “soon”!!! but if you keep on throwin unfinish crap to us, we throw back your promises and lies right into your face!

The company’s continued silence on this is sickening.

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Not getting a reward and playing for hours feels awful. At least before every three wins was rewarding.

This is a grind. The achievements gains don’t give you anything. I almost don’t want to play.


I agree. They implemented this abomination with no playtesting at all it seems.
All battle passes are crappy to me, but this one is especially bad.

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Pls i want 10 Gold after 3 wins back


We all do. that was a stingy system too, but it looks great compared to what we have now.

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idk why the have forum for complains ? ppl are doing everything in their power to show this greedy company that they are not listening to the fans and still there is no news no replays no information. idk Why they don’t delete the forum since all players complain

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fast and simple answer:

its for us, they keep up our hopes, so we stay a little calmer. closing the forum means: hey folk, we dont care what you are saying! buy our crap and shut up.

with a forum at least they can pretend! :wink:

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A truly good company would try to strike a balance to be profitable and keep some of that passion that made the game good in the first place.

Activision is really shooting themselves in the foot with the overly greedy strategy they have been taking.

I get it y’all need to make money, but at a certain point you are going to drive too many players away.


I have said many times that you can only bleed the base for so long.
Blizzard has shown no grace at all with the Battle Pass.
Their intentions may have been good even, but their terrible implementation and their silence after seeing the reaction have led most to think the company is dishonest.

the new system is discriminating f2p players very hard. this game has become a pure pay to win system, lets see why:

i am a paying player, i always buy both bundles at every beginning of a new expansion. i use a mage deck with 79% winrate in diamand, thats very unusuall. there is no real resistence. it was never that ez to climb the ledder like it is now. why is that so, this system exists for quiet a while now. what has changed?

the gatekeeping is harder than ever before! the gold in the game is so low, that f2p player cant effort a good amount of packs, so they can play the meta decks atm. they are missing cards that are essential for the new meta, but they have limited resources to get the cards.
disentchanting cards is at some point not possible, cause there are no cards left to disentchant, and as soon as the meta shifts these players are lost for good, you wont get them back, cause there is no comeback mechanics…

earning gold isnt really possible either… so you pushing your playerbase into a corner, where they are left to die…
the events arent a solution aswell, cause we havent seen any, and again the f2p players cant close the gap. after some events the mini exp will be released, and again there will be a gap… so you create a 2 class system for good…

this may be the way to go in capitalism, but at the end studies have shown, you need the poor to feel yourself rich… we have maxed the point where the industry tries to implement such perfidious systems in games, for quiet a while now, is a very sad mark. i also know about patents from actiblizz, that are made to match paying customers with weaker opponents to make them feel good, that was excepted as a patent, but i got the feeling its already implemented in some f2p games!
And empty promisses (in blizzards case, these are ALWAYS lies!). and even emptier excuses, which are ALWAYS lies aswell, wont change anything.

all kind of games are in sience and in reallife the only framwork that brings ppl of all races, classes and opinions together, and the only think that matters is skill. but all your systems are made to suppress this fact.

its not that you dont earn money and make profits, you do! but you dont understand what a healthy ecosystem is. you act like cancer, you expend until your host dies. and once your host is dead, you will die aswell…
tryin to push a agenda wont work… whole states take actions to work against your scams, and ppl are starting to refuse to support systems that are only made to rise your profits. none of your systems is made for your player base its only made to earn more. but this two variables wont work the way you want them to. either you wanna have paying customers, or max out profit for a short while, after losing the product and its profits.

at the end of the day, players are worth more than your shareholders: “dont you guys have phones!” this sentence costed you 48% of share value. dont forget that! we, the players are the most important variable in this equation, without us, you guys are NOTHING!

we wont be nice, until you start to understand that. one last thing:

blizz, once you were awsome, now you suck(for quiet a while now. seems you guys have no learning curve.:pinching_hand: very sad to observe…)! :-1:

what a joke, downloading Runeterra as im posting this


haha yeah, I’m enjoying MTGA rn

I haven’t found Runeterra to be any better in an overall sense. Like all CCGs, it has a romantic early ramp-in period where it throws free crap at people. But in the long run the amount you have to collect and the amount of free resources you get did not seem particularly different from Hearthstone. You’re still left with a generous amount of content, but certainly not ALL of it or even remotely close to that. Any person who thinks its ‘easy’ to get all the cards in RT or (insert CCG here) then it’s just not the case. The same complaints people have here are in every CCG pretty much.

riot games are expensiv as s*** in general man. i started playing lol and its ridiculous, how expensiv this s*** is!!! i think the alternativ cant be a tcg, it has to be something else, cause this digital scam is imlplemented in this typ of games, thats the whole problem. there is no way to pay a fix amount of gold or money or whatever and get all card for this expansion.

dude, they could bring in so much more players just by ajusting some points in the game. for example:

tavern brawl, you still get the classic packs. why not offering packs from the oldest expansion that isnt complete. give the player a choice: 2 packs 1 from the oldest incomplete wild and 1 from the oldest incomplete standard, and let the player choose.

even more, i would go one step further… i get it, there are a handful of whales who are paying thousands of dollars for getting a full golden collection. but what about this… for every complete collection (for each expansion) you get the full golden set, but the normal set has to be complete.

that’s a great incentive to buy packs for much more ppl than the whales… yeah and dont come with design costs, there are none. if they are smart, they design right out the golden cards and cut out the effects for the normal once…

i am disentchanting every golden card i get, even the once that i dont have to build the normal once, i have no golden crads except the once i cant disentchant, i dont support that kind of crap!!!

what ever, i am waiting for the day where you have to pay per turn, that will be really ridiculous!!! :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

Yes and no. MTGA has a great tutorial, offers several free decks, and has gold rewards as well as a battle pass on top of that. And, obviously, you keep cards you pick in drafts. How awesome it would be if you were able to keep cards from Arenas in HS.
But yeah, CCGs are always very expensive and time consuming. I’m yet to check out Runeterra, since I quit LoL a long time ago but might give it a go after I’m done with MTGA.