Reviewing the DK Rune system

Hi community.

Now that a couple of years have past since the inception of the DK class and its novel rune system and many expansions in between I thought it would be “an idea” to gather all of our thoughts, conclusions and sentiment on this system on a single post.

I believe the widespread stance on this is that it just failed in many levels. Great for fantasy class and to create tension between leaning towards one archetype and/or shoving in a couple of splashes of another archetype here and there (control, swarm, burn, etc.). All fun and well.

Over the years, without proper support, scarce triple rune cards on each release (if any), rotation, and multi rune cards (as cool and “challenging to build towards” as they are) we have found ourselves peageonholed into running the flavor of the moment deck just like every other class thus rendering the rune system effectively irrelevant.

I think that a possible solution could be to take the max rune count on cards to two runes while keeping the three rune slots on the deck building board. This way Marrowgar, Morgraine, Frostwyrm´s Fury and so on would go to 2 runes (some two single rune cards could go to one rune but this a case-by-case basis). This this way you will open up experimentation aaaa lot. You will be able to max out a specific rune type (two of) and add a single different one to mix and match. Would this be broken? Would it be broken to run max blood and some plagues? Max frost with Frostwyrm´s and plagues? Max unholy swarm style with Marrowgar and frost for some burn? Not in a million years I think. I would rather have some cards nerfed but to have a system like this one than to have the current one.

Several classes already have access to tools that were originally restricted to them due to class limitations and design. Druid can play control, swarm, combo, burn and el everything even in one single deck. Rogue has access to reliable healing and gets a board clear every now and then. Paladin plays swarm and control with access to a myriad of board clears. I mean… what is the point of the rune system if most other classes can by-pass these restrictions just by good ol´ regularing deck building?

Curious to hear your thoughts guys.

i think they just need to print some more new three rune cards for each rune type. maybe in the miniset.

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