Returning to Standard now?

DH currently has two competitive decks - Tempo (the Shopper one) and Highlander (also has shopper, but Reno too, so you don’t run duplicates). I prefer the tempo one, and it’s really playable. Although half of the top legend plays Highlander one, it’s much more expensive and boring (I’d even venture to say “less playable”)

I enjoy playing it with 55% winrate currently because it fits my playstyle even better than a 70% winrate sludgelock, and here’s the list:



# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (0) Through Fel and Flames
# 2x (1) Burning Heart
# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
# 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator
# 2x (1) Miracle Salesman
# 2x (1) Red Card
# 2x (1) Taste of Chaos
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
# 2x (2) Parched Desperado
# 2x (2) Spirit of the Team
# 2x (3) Umpire's Grasp
# 2x (4) Ball Hog
# 1x (4) Going Down Swinging
# 1x (4) Metamorphosis
# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (2) Haywire Module
#   1x (2) Power Module
# 2x (5) Window Shopper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

P.S. Pozzik is a tempo play. You put it down on board for two reasons:

a) to gain or maintain tempo, or
b) to burn a card from greedy control decks, as it gives your enemy 2 bots in hand.

Tempo is gained (or maintained) because if they clear him you get 2x3/3 on the board, otherwise it costs them 6 mana to play those bots and it prevents them from playing their own win cons.

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I just came back myself. I’m not in love with it thus far, but I think Elemental mage has real promise, if the mini set pumps it some.
At least it is fun for me to play:)

Holy mecherel, you actually read that wall?


I like his style of writing :smiley:


Please. I just ate and I intend to keep it down.

Thanks for your feedback, I’ll take a look!

A little request: could you, please, use 'preformatted text' for the deck, so that it’s displayed neatly? The ‘Hide Details’ function also helps, in my opinion.

So would I, especially considering that Reno decks tend to be expensive, don’t they?

That is actually quite good for any deck.

Understood, thanks.

Done. Dunno about the other option xD I’m a noob to these types of forums

Yes, a lot more

In this meta it’s tier 2 at best xD You’d be surprised xD

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Well done!

In the editor, it’s in the menu under the ‘cog’ icon. The result looks like this:

Deck list (click to expand)
### Tempo
# Class: Demon Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (0) Through Fel and Flames
# 2x (1) Burning Heart
# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
# 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator
# 2x (1) Miracle Salesman
# 2x (1) Red Card
# 2x (1) Taste of Chaos
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
# 2x (2) Parched Desperado
# 2x (2) Spirit of the Team
# 2x (3) Umpire's Grasp
# 2x (4) Ball Hog
# 1x (4) Going Down Swinging
# 1x (4) Metamorphosis
# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
#   1x (2) Haywire Module
#   1x (2) Power Module
# 2x (5) Window Shopper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Perhaps not, if one looks at this meta review by Old Guardian, for instance:

It’s quite clear what the ‘best’ deck(s) would be (that is, not this), but… as said, no, thank you. :grinning:

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Done, thank you for the tutorial :slight_smile:

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Of course it’s Mage for you — who would have expected something else. :rofl:

No problem. I’ve been trying to popularise proper formatting on this forum. :grinning: It’s funny how those hashes interfere with it, yet not everyone knows how to circumvent it.

Because very few people actually care.

Also, didnt even read your wall of text OP. Less is more!

You are golden

I have a current 60 dust. Granted I have been playing standard consistently for the past twoish years, but I’m more of a wild player, a vast majority of my decks are wild.

15k dust is enough to craft a super deck of your choice, or what I would suggest is saving your gold(this can still be done by playing wild if you prefer), and buying at least 10 packs from each expansion currently in standard.(or enough packs to get the guaranteed legendary) I would then suggest buying an additional ten packs for the TITANS expansion. From there you can really just build standard decks, craft anything you may want.

I never have more than 100 dust at any given moment, and I’m doing fine. I commonly go through my card collection(wild included), and just disenchant bad/unplayable cards throughout the years. Wilds full of them, I’ve gotten at least 10 legendaries crafted, just from disenchanting Rare wild cards.

Technically the Reno DH plays duplicates of Shopper and the Grasp since they have 3 chances at hitting the Grasp in deck. I don’t think i have ever not had Reno playable on 8. The problem with this deck NOW is that it rose up quickly overnight to start dominating and today all the Plague DK’s showed up to smack them down.

You’d be astounded if you saw how much gold I blew on hero skins, as well as Classic and Mercs packs. :grinning: Those were the modes I was interested in, only returning to Standard now — such is the side effect of it, I guess.

Yep, turns out that after crafting the DH deck (Kassadin, thanks again!), I could try the DK, for example, if I wanted to.

I could do that, but I’ve been mostly disenchanting cards with a ‘refund’ on them, i.e. the full dust value for disenchanting.

By the way, as I was talking about the balance patch:
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I am surprised that it is whizzbang and not the bots which led you into such a decision

And how would the bots surprise me? What have I not seen there during all those years, except for even more of them (although the EU server is reportedly not that bad)? Sorry, I just don’t follow your logic.

Whizbang can generate decks you normally wouldn’t be able to build or play — at least there’s that, and it’s also a budget option for beginners (or perhaps returning guys).

I don’t know if you got around to playing it recently, but pretty much since the whizbang expac/rotation 90% of the playerbase is just bots (this number isn’t an exaggeration, but an honest estimate from playing it), I’ve never reached legend in this game but am very close to doing it because of the number of free win bots I’ll come across, full ranks are just bots and I got from low platinum to diamond 5 playing basically only bots, I can only imagine it’s even worse from bronze->gold, the game is basically unplayable unless treated as a singleplayer mode (I’m talking about NA servers here I’m not sure which one you play on)

I’m familiar with the problem, you could take a look at these figures, for example:

They have banned some since, though.

Oh, I have, and the first time was back in Naxx and the old system, so this hasn’t been my motivation.


Lower ranks so far, but I haven’t had the impression they are all bots there. Some players emote as a human would (e.g. at a peculiar moment or something) and so on.

It’s nothing new either, the problem existed even back in 2015 or something like it.

they ban them but unfortunately they always just make new ones, there was a new wave added with the the whizbang expansion that brought a bunch of them after that video was made, I don’t know if it’s as much as a problem on EU servers as I play on NA, but I played the game actively back in 2014-2016 and it was really nothing like this, almost all my matches are against bots at this point

edit: Bot Ban Update--Late March 2024 an interesting post if you’re curious how bad the numbers were, it’s improved slightly more since when I last posted

Alright, smashed my way casually into some bottom-legendary ranks… :grinning: I suppose it might qualify as my first double ‘Legend’ in a season — and the first time doing the achievement for Ranked Standard, but that is of little import.

What can I say… The ladder there is much easier than some others I’ve played — going for that early Legend in the current season of Twist (the rank was somewhere in the 20s back then… somewhat lower now, of course, since I haven’t played since the ‘Gadgetzan’ day — yep, I was rushing to play some nostalgic stuff while it was still cool for me), for example, was quite something, the previous season was also a bit tense sometimes, even Classic outside the bot ‘fiesta’ (somehow the streak between D5 and L could be especially bad — riddled with bots, often with basic decks; maybe it’s that famous ‘matchmaking’ of theirs… Below that or in higher Legend you’d ecnounter some actual players) could be challenging, but this… As for bots, I’ve been quite suspicious, but a number of those opponents looked more like really casual players — emoting, doing goofy stuff and whatnot.

As for the deck — reminded me a bit (in terms of its ‘feel’) of the old aggro Rogue I played in Classic… Not that greedy nobrain-faceroll-APM-goblen-yolo-rogue netdeckuhs loved copying, but the true aggro one (and probably the only aggro deck I deigned to play at that point; 'twas the one with Coldlight Oracles and all that good stuff) — although it’s more about maintaining tempo and pressure than tricky or bursty combos, that’s the difference, and also with some more ‘comeback’ options if you’re overwhelmed on the board or something like it. Looks like a good aggro deck — nothing more, nothing less; not bad, not ‘busted’ or unbeatable, although a bit quirky: those Window Shoppers just have to get into your hand when you’d not want it… Besides, there’s the randomness of discovery, of course, but that’s how it goes with modern HS, I guess, and on average it’s not that bad.

PS Okay, had a little unlucky streak after reaching that bottom-legend, but that could be a fluctuation.