Returning player to Hearthstone. It lasted 35min

Last time i played was around 2y ago . Just spent the last 30min opening packs i had accumulated in promotions, searching about decks i could build with my spare dust/gold, etc. Even played the DK solo adventure. Got pretty excited !!

Then, seeing that i still missed a lot of cards, i went to the store to buy some packs for $. I’ve never had any problem in investing money in Hearthstone, even if it wasnt cheap. However, when i looked to the prices something felt odd: they were way higher (100%+) than i remembered then to be.

After searching for a bit, for my surprise, I discoreved that blizzard increased prices for several regions (including mine, Brazil) in early 2023. After 5min of shock, gasping the prices that i just saw, I just went and uninstalled the game and came here to post this.

I consider myself to be a fortunate brazilian (stable job/income, family and all) and I do spend a lot of money on games for my ‘fun time’. In any case, it felt wrong this time. I felt as someone (or some company) was straight up trying to rob me.

I know this is old news for most but I wanted to share the experience i just had. If you are a returning brazilian like me ( or someone from countries that had a price increase last year) I sincerely encourage you to not return to hearthstone and save yourself some time and a lot of money, even if you have it to spare. The new prices are just absurd.

All the best,


There has been a change in the pricing policy so that it’s the same price in dollars everywhere. Because of this change, the price in some countries like yours has increased a lot. The reason for this change is because most players were using a VPN to buy packs from another country at a low price.

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they couldve solved that if they wanted to by offering a discount to players using credit cards from those countries a vpn cant give you a credit card with an address and verified id from someone on brazil

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