Returning player review

I recently jumped back into hearthstone about two weeks ago. After many, many standard and battleground matches, i have deduced an opinion that i wanted to share for any potential returning players.

To call this game a strategy card game is laughable in its current state. In standard ladder play, it is the ugliest RNG generator i have every had the displeasure of playing. Every match hinges on pure luck. For the average player, this is going to cause nothing but headache as you are matched up endlessly against players with such powerful decks, that cant seem to get out of silver 5 bracket because they just have not been lucky enough.

If you do not pile real currency into it, you wont stand a chance. You are in a constant state of misery as some classes drop crazy OP card after OP card on you. Its insane to think there is any strategy involved beyond the 3rd round.

Battlegrounds are the same, all RNG in your recruit phase. There is a glimmer of strategy that is involved, but again, that pans out based off of how lucky you are.

I did initially find some joy in the game, but it did not last long. Now i’m just filled with regret for even attempting to play this again. It used to be SOOOO good. Its just showing its true colors now.

I would highly advise anyone considering returning to not waste your time. Unless you hate yourself.

Nothing is impossible, which is why i am putting this game down for good.


P.S Most likely a regular player who just decided to make a thread about RNG.

As a returning player, your MMR may be higher than you might expect. How many star bonuses did you have when you started ladder this month?
If your MMR is high enough, you’ll be matched against more difficult opponents. Those opponents have meta decks because they have been playing all this time you were away. Therefore, it’s going to be very hard for you to beat them.
What’s the solution? Did you get your free returning player deck? In my case, I used that and crafted supplementary cards using Hall of Fame dust and it got me to legend.
So I think:

  1. Your MMR is high enough to give you tougher opponents. That implies that you can do better with better cards.
  2. You can take advantage of a returning player deck (with strategic upgrades) to rank up through ladder.

Now, to address your main point, the game is really not so RNG-based. It is a card game so by its very nature there is an element of luck: Did you draw the card or cards you needed? But as far as gameplay goes, it’s not as much luck as it is decision-making.
The game used to be more RNG based but it’s gotten better recently.

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I feel wild doesn’t have this issue. IMO, standard is set for the handful of streamers and chinese “pro” players. I stick to wild because I win WAY more frequently and things seem much more fair. (albeit, a little broken at times.) So, unless you’re going to talk to blizz about streaming that their game is fun, or a chinese pro, I’d recommend wild.

I can’t agree more,
This forum is full of blizzard fanboy, so they will always reply with dedain to critisicim.
I’m an old school F2P player, who played since Nax extention. Back since the game was very good and still pretty strategic. Still I was not a ranked climber but more of a Arena player.

But nowaday, the game is became crap. And I’m far to be the only one thinking that.
For at least 2 years, blizzard slowly destroyed it. Cause they smell the money they can make, the pre-command make to 20 to 80€ :slight_smile:
First, the rotation which make a huge part of your collection useless.
Then new extention that bring more and more cards way more powerfull then before, wich they release more and more frequently so the card became more OP quicker.
Then they added more RNG to the game cause its “fun” you know ?
And now the free gold from quest is hugely reduce :slight_smile:

Now this game is a “fun” game with absolute no strategy in it, everey single card is so strong individually that every class can have absolute broken decks. So the win depend way more on what you draw. And that’s for the ones that can pay to get a decent collection. That’s without talking on cards that depends on RNG way more present now.

Blizzard reduced the quality of this game to make it more attractive and make the players more attracted to pay.

I don’t even know why i’m still playing it, maybe nostalgy.
Sorry this just needed to go out, that’s my personnal view.
But a sure thing, if you want to play a competitive strategic card game, find another one, cause HS is no more one. :sleepy: