Returning player here; has the game always been RNG heavy?

I returned to this game about 3 months ago after a long absense (My last deck before I quit was Grim Patron Warrior), and I’m just wondering if I’m misremembering the past or if the randomness of this game has gotten much worse.

The entire concept of discovering cards, combined with cards like Mutanis, Theotar , etc. make this game feel so random that it hardly seems worth playing. Now the game less so brings me joy, and instead raises my blood pressure with random, unpredictable nonsense that can’t be planned for. I lost to a rouge yesterday because he generated 4 copies of the Priest card that kills all minions with odd attack values. I know I’m rusty, but I obviously can’t plan for that; its not strategic, it’s a pure role of the dice.

But I really want to know, am I taking crazy pills here or is has the RNG in this game become so bad that it can feel unplayable at times?


There are two camps here.

One camp will tell you that random garbage is fun!

The other says random garbage makes this not a strategy game and not fun because of it.

I am in the latter. I think things like the rogue experience are exactly the kind of games I have no interest in. Discovering a win con out of thin air isn’t my idea of a strategy game.

But there’s also been significant power creep where cards just to insane things that would have never happened several years ago.


I see. Thank you for the response.

I must confess that I don’t see how the belief that “random things happening because of a pseudorandom number generator that you couldn’t possibly prepare for nor counter” is in any way agreeable with the concept of a competitive card game.

I didn’t mention it in my original post but the class balancing in this game also seems rather mediocre; I really enjoyed shellfish Priest, but that got gutted because of some stupid combo in the wild format, which I don’t even play.
They went insanely overboard on the warrior nerfs to the point of destroying the class, and have shown no interest in tweaking or reversing any of them. Meanwhile I played a 22 minute game against a frost mage yesterday who froze me 13 different times. If playing against control warrior is “not fun for the opponent”, what the heck would one call that?

I don’t know what metrics they base their decisions on but I don’t think a card game that functions this way could possibly survive if it wasn’t lucky enough to be attached to Blizzard’s IP.


I think the people, who like randomness (myself included) don’t care much about the competitive side of the game. Do you know the theory of Timmy, Johnny and Spike? ( From your description (wanting to win, not liking randomness) you probably are a Spike. I play for strange situations, randomness (even if it screws me up) and giant swings (that is Timmy). Other people take great pride and joy from creating there own deck (Johnny).

Long story short: in my opinion, all these players have a place in the game. And we should just accept each other.

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The ‘discover a card to win’ options have been increased significantly, but I play Wild exclusively so that side of things is only ever going to get worse.

I fall into the same camp, I’m currently at Platinum 10 encountering all kinds of depraved fun decks, mine revolves around casting multiple discounted Void Contracts and then dropping a dozen curse of agonies into my opponents deck.


There is more random and stronger random with gigantic highroll results, but Hearthstone allways had game deciding random effects. (Ragnaros, Sylvanas, Misdirection, Deadly Shot, Knife Juggler, Mind Control Tech and many more … ).

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I can dig it; if you don’t care about the competitive part than wild seems like your home. It’s just having those mechanics in a format that uses ranking, a ladder system, and an ELO system strikes me as as confusing, if not inherently self contradictory.

I understand that there’s always randomness in card games, but when you take it too far it becomes silly. Like that game I mentioned earlier where I lost to a rogue because he was able to use 4 of the priest class card that kills minions with odd valued attacks. Stuff like that is antithetical to the very concept of a skill based ladder system.

I don’t think Blizzard does enough internal testing on this or any project; from what I’ve read stuff like this happens every time there’s a new expansion now, and the amount of free work that they expect players to do on the WoW PTR is the kind of stuff that most studios hire professional testers for. And then they ignore the people on the PTR who tell them what needs to be changed. But I digress…

Anyway, thank you for your insight.

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That sounds like a lot of fun. Would you give me the code? I love to play Jade-Shudderwok Shaman (not returning Shudderwok to the hand, just for the extra golems). And Jade-Mill Rogue (Jade being the second wincondition. But then I only play silver rank.

Conveyor of chaos

Class: Warlock

Format: Wild

2x (1) Curse of Agony

1x (1) Unstable Felbolt

1x (2) Defile

1x (2) Gnomeferatu

1x (2) Kanrethad Ebonlocke

1x (2) Plot Twist

1x (2) Zephrys the Great

1x (3) Augmented Elekk

1x (3) Dark Skies

1x (3) Flightmaster Dungar

1x (3) Nobleman

1x (3) Prince Renathal

1x (3) Tamsin Roame

1x (3) Zola the Gorgon

1x (4) Archmage Vargoth

1x (4) Cascading Disaster

1x (4) Felsoul Inquisitor

1x (4) Hysteria

1x (4) Immolate

1x (4) Kazakus

1x (4) The Dark Portal

1x (4) Theotar, the Mad Duke

1x (5) Lady Darkvein

1x (6) Abyssal Summoner

1x (6) Entitled Customer

1x (6) Khartut Defender

1x (6) Reno Jackson

1x (6) Tickatus

1x (7) Lord Godfrey

1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer

1x (7) Valdris Felgorge

1x (8) Abominable Lieutenant

1x (8) Enhanced Dreadlord

1x (8) Gigafin

1x (8) Void Contract

1x (9) Mal’Ganis

1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul’dan

1x (10) Neptulon the Tidehunter

1x (10) Sire Denathrius


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

It’s expensive and note that Reno, Zeph and Kazakus are not going to work as intended until at least one curse of agony is in your hand, you could swap one out for a taunt deathrattle heal minion and the other for Vecna, but I like having a polymorph option and a massive heal. Everything else is there to tank, disrupt or heal, there’s multiple ways of putting curses into a deck via Elekk, Tamsin, Vargoth and Darkvein (which can be used for void contract as well), Nobleman also sometimes gives you a copy.

Than you very much. Sounds like a real fun deck. I will try it out.

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You’re welcome, you’re at the mercy of having a good draw (not getting early clearance) but apart from that there’s no real counter, there’s not many players using geist or similar deck purges right now.

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See, I don’t think all that is random.

If you were intelligent, you reduced targets so those things hit specific things. Mind control tech was something you planned for, honestly. Rags hit one thing for 8 and then could be silenced or removed.

But one random removal or one random damage is nothing like Sire + brann or rogue dropping four mass polymorphs on you.

The highroll is too much in standard atm. It’s game breaking based on luck rather than plays.

Wild. Your place is in wild where the bizarre op crazy is normal.

It’s too high in standard atm.


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Well there are at least 4, because you have to count the sub-camps. Camp 1.5 that thinks random garbage is fun and there are absolutely no mechanics that “rig” or alter the RNG to favor one side or the other. Camp 2.5 says random garbage makes it not strategy, BECAUSE there are far too many obvious and repeating mechanics that “rig” or alter the RNG.

If everything was on a roll from 1-100 they’d have to trash a lot of hero’s from BG’s and a lot of minions and cards from the game entirely. However, that’s not my fault, they made them, they need to figure it out without rigging the RNG to make up for their poor designs and mechanics.

No. There are not.

There are the two I described.

Everything else about your post is a fever dream delusion you made up to salve your brittle ego.

Please don’t ever reply to me again with your rigged bullspit. Take it somewhere else.

Triggered snowflakes aren’t new, clearly lol.

I’m sorry how do you get to adamantly define the entire forum base in such a ridiculously absolute and obnoxious way? You’re no where near as special as you think.


See, I knew I could guess your political leanings by your willingness to believe conspiracy theory and magic as facts.

I’m sorry, who was triggered? Lol.

Well, gee, clark, there’s people who like things and people who don’t like things.

I guess if you want a third camp it would be people who have no actual connection to reality who then insert delusions of persecution onto inanimate computer programs to protect themselves from the fact that they are not as good at something as they want to believe they are.

Oh, wait, the fragile ego and blaming others for their own faults and errors fits with the first part up there about people who call people snowflakes, lol.


Also, you’re on ignore now. First time I’ve tried it. Say whatever you want, but I won’t see nor have any interest in whatever it is you have to say next, so just knock yourself out talking to yourself.

Clearly, triggered. My original reply had 0 hostility towards you and I wasn’t even disagreeing with you.

If you’re immediately in that mind-state as soon as you trash talk someone and they respond, this is clearly your default and you probably shouldn’t spend so much time online. I don’t “believe conspiracy theories” because everything I said is straight from personal experience. You went real hard on that Blizz-defense though, man them checks must be nice.

You might not see this, but everyone else will see what happens when a Karen throws a tantrum. Ignore lol. Child.

Played a few games: really a fun deck. Even managed to beat a hunter using fatigue

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I know, it feels like it shouldn’t be resilient vs aggro but it works, Skele Mage is also weak against this deck, you might have to tinker the build as you climb and swap out cards like Mal’Ganis which rarely sees play higher up the ladder but the core idea works well, if you encounter Druids try and play Void Contract as early as possible before filling their deck up with curses.

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whats with this pointless thread necroing ? does that turn ya on ?