Returning Player Feedback

Longtime player (started Un’goro), I just took about 6 or so months off and am dipping my toe back into the Hearthstone pool. Wanted to say to the devs that this expansion ranks as my all time favorite. I’m sure these forums are more focused on the frustrations with the meta, but as a very casual player, I’ve never had more fun in the game than I do right now.

Few key contributing factors:

  1. The classes just FEEL appropriate from a UX standpoint. As a Warrior, it FEELS like you’re building up your rage and then unleashing it in a huge burst; as a Druid, you FEEL like this big angry bear that smacks things and shrugs off hits; as a Hunter, you FEEL like you’re taming a bunch of beasts and then winning with a board you’ve invested a lot of planning and resources into (rather than the over the top burn damage we’re used to). I could go on with all of the other classes (minus Shaman…haven’t really played much with it, but it still feels kind of like the random class that has an identity of “stick 4 minions, win with Lust”), but I’ll spare the details. This is an enormous win though, because the reason why in the past I’ve almost only ever played with Rogue is because it’s been the only class with a UX that really pairs well with the theme of the class (high APM misdirection + sudden burst damage for lethal). Now I get to enjoy a plethora of other classes the same way I enjoyed Rogue. Love it.

  2. The THEME of the set MY GOD – just…wow. 20/10, so creative, so well executed, so obvious you all had so much fun with this one. I hope you have the same passion and drive with the next few expansions as you had with this one. Could not have had more of a home run if you tried.

All in all, I hope others have enjoyed this set as much as I have. It’s rare that I feel the need to express my happiness on a forum – normally you sort of see the opposite with most people. Wanted to bring some good vibes tho to the discourse. Hats off Blizz – way to recapture my love for this game :slight_smile:


I think favorite game of many people here is watchin how British antitrust rape Kotick and his managers…


Agreed! Having a blast with this one as well! :guitar:

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Don’t worry, the novelty will wear off soon and you’ll realize the game is a :poop: show and the devs are actively trying to destroy it.

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That moment when you realize finale was one of the concepts for manathirst they didn’t go with and just decided to reuse here. It might not have been as obvious if they had waited a release or two.

Also, they skipped Pandaria to go to shadowlands, to redo lich king…then a music festival. Sigh.

At this rate, monk will be announced some time before the game goes on life support (ala mercstone, HoTS, starcraft, etc) or released as a buggy mess THEN life support.


idk maybe you just need to take a little break. I was really burnt out, and the 6 months away have shifted my perspective a lot. I don’t feel the need to hit legend anymore, and it’s made this game a lot better for me. I don’t feel bad about missing days and skipping quests.

if you just play the game when you want to, and you can kick the feeling of it being a chore, even the 30 minute priest matchups feel good to play.

Worst ccg ever, only players (no brains) who play aggro decks have fun (it’s really fun when you have no brain face face face face face face face face), they win easily and without thinking against control decks. While on a balanced ccg control decks > aggro decks.

This game is just garbage :poop: .

Ya agreed, its a sh!t show. I bin playing this game on n off for almost 10 years but devs have ruined it with all the extras that mainly buff rush decks, if ur not running a rush deck of some type ur obsolete, i love control decks but u cant function entire matchs unless ur paying to win… otherwise they just withhold the cards u need in order to win