Returned to BotStone. Don't buy anything until action

I’ve just tried a couple of matches in Hearthstone after not playing for a long long while. I mean, the instant dopamine stack of card packs was nice to craft a somewhat useful deck, but my first 10 matches had 9 bots fighting me. The obvious, standard card-back with instant card plays every round.

I was considering spending some money on this game, but until they fix the botting problem, I can’t even think about it. I advice everyone else to do the same. It seems to be the only message Blizz gets these days. I don’t expect Blizz to care, so RIP Hearthstone too. Yet another game in their library that’s basically dead due to poor support.


Those are Blizzard’s bots, put there to aid in pairing queue times for beginning players.

As you climb, you will stop seeing them.

However, I think you decided to hate the company before you even started playing.


Uhm that’s not necessarily true. The bots don’t just stop. They’ve infested the entire game like roaches. Blizzard takes a few down, more infest the game. Every time some one points this out, you immediately dismiss them with this same rhetoric. There are bots throughout Hearthstone. It’s a known fact. The devs know this but refuse to do anything about it. Oh they say they do, but players have posted that they’ve played against the same bots over and over, for years on end, and they have not been banned.
Not every bot is a blizz-bot.

And every time someone mentions that the game is riddled with bots, you claim they have no proof. Well, players can’t post battle tags without the post getting removed and their account suspended/silenced. They post Replays, they’re told that their deck sucks, that it was “a bad draw”, reported for trolling, etc. So how is one to submit proof when submissions are removed and rejected by players like you who are so quick to dismiss them?

Reporting said suspected bots does nothing. The report button supposedly does nothing. Unless you rage curse at someone when they accept friend’s request or have an “offensive” battletag, then the reports seems to be immediately enforced.

In short, yes; the game is riddled with bots and they don’t simply disappear.


you claim the button does nothing
but they ban in waves

and the bots people who return to play after a while are most likely blizzarbots because their mmr is usually too low

besides not being able to see them on the players list thats how blizzard bots play

player bots stall before making plays

and there is a chance OP may be trolling because of how that OP is worded and i remember we have one of those
who always mentions dopamine on his posts for some reason

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Actually, I said the report button “supposedly” does nothing. And that wasn’t my point. The point is, the bots are everywhere in Hearthstone - and not just the “Blizz-Bots” and certain players continuously seem to deny such notion. So I get players, like OP; who get frustrated or bored playing against them match after match.

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abot the button

on reddit someone linked to a post by celestalon saying they are working on a way to let us know when one of our reports results in a ban

the bots OP describes are blizzard bots
player bots aim to stall by timing their plays to end at the same time the rope does

welcome back to the biggest scam game on planet earth today, a riot of secret algorithms that punish you if you don’t spend real money and are not part of the huge hamster wheel that spends dollars every 2 months to keep up with the expansions, all this with peace of mind of any government authority because… it’s a game, it’s true that you pay real money but… it’s a video game so whoever produces it does EVERYTHING he wants, uses bots, says that something is random when it’s not is (this is told to you by someone who knows exactly that this is how things are), balance the game manually and not thanks to the cards by modifying the rng of the cards and classes. So welcome back…

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This is complete nonsense.

If the game is so riddled with bots, how come I never see one?

Let’s use your logic here and prove that you’ve never encountered one. Provide the proof. If there’s no bots, then who’s getting banned in these ban waves?


I am almost always diamond 5+ rank and I very rarely encounter bots. I seem to see them more in the beginning of the month when ranks reset. Even then its maybe 1 on my climb and very occasionally on rank floors if iv been on a losing streak (still rare).

So the solution for a new or returning player whose MMR is not mature or decayed is to increase your MMR/rank by stomping the bots and players until your MMR/rank is good enough to not see them anymore.

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I think the thing you don’t realize is they do not view it as a problem. In fact, it’s a good chance some of the bots you faced were “authorized Blizzard bots” aka put into the game by the devs themselves. And no, I’m not joking, this is a real thing they apparently need to do now.

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When you ban bots, you also apply this ban to yourself. It’s like your boss bans smoking in the workplace and passes him a lit cigarette in his hand.

Blizzard bans bots so blizz bots are banned too. When players say no to the bot, he is also talking about blizz bots (they don’t want them).

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I agree wholeheartedly

Lmao… My god… Thats a good one!!! Comment of the year