Return the dust to the Classic players!

I’m a simple average player who donates to your game from time to time.
The last time, it was the classics that brought me back to hearthstone after a couple of years of break.
And, like many players, I dusted my collection in order to craft cards there. I made more than one golden deck, because at that moment I played only there. Many of my acquaintances from Classic did the same.
But in the end, this dust just turned into nothing… These cards are not used in Standard, Wild does not interest me at all and will not be for many more years, because with my modest donations for the battle pass and pre-purchase, there is not enough dust even for standard mode.
Why did you introduce Classic at all in order to bring it out after a couple of years?
Moreover, just a few months ago, you launched promotions for the purchase of packs and golden packs for Classic, which I also donated a little…
Is this trolling?

It’s just what you did is the same thing that you will now take Wild out of hearthstone forever.
Give us back the dust for the cards from Classic (who is interested in Wild, they may not dust them or craft them later), and you can do whatever you want with the modes, enter your Twist, which will also die out very quickly (at least what came out now, not generates positive feedback).

Thank you for your attention.


I just want the format back. I know they don’t owe us anything but it’s such a bad look to nerf our whole Classic set like this when they could have just added Twist and left Classic format alone.


Keep drawing attention to Blizzard’s nonsense until they fix their mistakes.



A Donation implies you do it out or charity, not expecting anything in return, thats not why you paying them, so disingenuous

Twist says hold my beer.

We want Classic back!


Give me my dust or game mode back, thanks.