Results for 10 years (mage, hunter, robber)

Results for 10 years (mage, hunter, robber)

My observations for 10 years from 2014 to 2024. Hearthstone has turned 10 years old and we can safely draw some conclusions.

Why should the mage, hunter and rogue be removed from the game?

  1. A magician is a class of neurotics or people suffering from mental illness. Many times and quite often, many of us could observe this situation:
  • when the magician sits, he pulls a full hand of 10 cards. He rubs these unfortunate cards in his hand and looks for the top deck;
  • the magician walks for a long time before the cutoff. The magician player has overdone it, several cards have already burned, but he continues to spin the deck. Here I will pay attention to the fact that extra cards 2 or 3, and sometimes 4 cards that do not fit into the hand are burned;
  • the moment of top deck comes. The magician found the card he was looking for with a 0 percent probability and clears the entire table of your cards, or the magician finds a card that brings him victory. Although the magician lost this game. There is a 0 percent chance of this happening;
    I don’t remember exactly where this talented streamer magician was from, either the EU or the USA, but that’s not the point. I lost several games and started crying on the streamer. Talk about how he had a difficult childhood, since he was subjected to violence from his parents since childhood and used illegal substances for a long time. He was treated in a psychiatric hospital and needs money for medicine. Yes, and on the stream he asked to send him money or a donation so that he could buy medicine and not commit suicide. Yes, this is a typical magician, and they are all like that.
  1. Hunter. The most terrible class of all that should not have been added to Hearthstone. It was this class that opened Pandora’s box and ultimately this led to the fact that the game in ladder slipped to 3-4-5 moves, when you boldly pressed consid on the 3rd or 4th move, since the hunter already had a full table of creatures and animals or pirates, and your health on turn 3 could be about 10. You press consid so as not to look at all this horror. Moreover, since 2014, famous streamers and ordinary players have been talking about this, that the hunter and aggro class are destroying Hearthstone and burying this game. 1000 topics were created on this topic on the Blizzard forums, Blizzard banned all these topics and did not want to listen to anyone. The developers and Blizzard have always cared about the opinions of players and the target audience. Shut up, Blizzard told us, we know better about Hearthstone’s balance and how the game should be developed. We all know the results of how Hearthstone developed better over the 10 years from 2014 to 2024. The Hunter is exactly the class that stopped the development of Hearthstone, and then buried this game. It was the hunter class and all this living stuff that should not have been created and added to Hearthstone. A real knacker, who on the 3-4th move flew without any options. There were so many hunters that you could play 5 to 10 games in a row with only one hunter class. On the forums, moderators for criticizing Blizzard and for criticizing the hunter class gave a ban until 3024 and were happy, and especially on the Russian forum they were happy that they banned the Russian Vasya. It’s not clear what they were happy about, but apparently the moderators got some kind of satisfaction from this. Although, if after 2014 Blizzard stopped this aggro trend of the hunter with games of 3-4 turns. Perhaps now there would be a completely different balanced and thoughtful Hearthstone with completely different carats and types of decks. Okay, let’s not talk about the sad things, what happened is gone.
  2. Rogue is LGBT propaganda through certain ambiguous messages from the Blizzard developers. LGBT is prohibited in Russia at the legislative level. Any LGBT propaganda, distribution of videos and literature in Russia among children, threatens you with prison and a term of imprisonment from 5 to 15 years, depending on your activities. A class of robbers for people who have failed in life. It’s kind of obvious here, if you’re a fan of playing the robber, who are you in life?

i can’t think of any way that rogue is lgbt propaganda.

Remove yourself from the game and solve everything :wave::laughing:


You seem to be the only one who doesn’t know that the robber has ambiguous skins and certain moments that tell us that this is hidden LGBT propaganda. :sunglasses:

Are you talking about Hearthstone heroes of Warcraft, that fantasy Warcraft world full of any sort of creature where even murlocs get married?? :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Inglish tu stronk hier.

Just a little disclaimer: I can perfectly understand some mistakes, especially by non-native language users, or difficulties caused by translations (e.g. card names translated back from localised version can get wierd sometimes), but this bit just got me.

I have a feeling that the author of these lines is sitting with his bear companion by his side (hence the thorough analysis of the hunter class — first-hand knowledge, you see :grinning:), both in ushankas, of course, slurpring shchi with his lapot and having a shot of vodka with a jubilant ‘NaVashe Zdorovye!’ after each ‘word’ like this. :grinning: Honestly, (s)he would have been better off using some kind of machine translator instead of trying to show off such extraordinary verbal skillz.

If you try to project Hearthstone’s classes on real-life occupations, well, they could be KGB secret-service agents or something like it (Mathias Shaw or Scabbs Cutterbutter outright serve in SI:7) — dunno if you consider this a failure. Or maybe they’re just gopniks like you who failed their school education and lack basic literacy required for some other classes (those that involve books, you know). :grinning: Although I dunno, the Rogue class is more about stealth, subterfuge and such rather than certain ethics or lack thereof… Hunter might be more your style. :grinning:

Like what?

Actually, you seem to be the only one who sees those supposed hidden messages related to the class in question. :grinning: Care to at least specify, provide some examples? For instance, what skins in particular look ambiguous to you etc?

Interestingly enough, there are outright examples of LGBT propaganda in the game, such as Dawngrasp, which is actually related to Mage, yet, for some reason, you complain about the Rogue class.

Where? :grinning: I’d like to attend a murloc wedding in Hearthstone. Although, I suppose, the Mrrggltons do qualify. :grinning: :grinning:

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I should play more rogue to help spread the LGBT propoganda