Request for Auto-Squelch (with convincing reasons)

Could you please integrate an automatic squelching feature into the game?

I always start every game by right-clicking and squelching, so it would be very convenient to have an automatic feature for this.

Even though right-clicking and squelching has become a muscle memory for me over the years, there is still a chance that I might forget to do it in one or two games. In such situations, if the opponent starts spamming “hello” every two seconds, it can be very distracting and disruptive to the gameplay.

It’s especially frustrating when I receive the killing blow and my opponent immediately emotes “Well played”. In those moments, I’m already feeling defeated and the emote comes across as insincere or even mocking. It’s hard to see it as a genuine compliment or show of sportsmanship. Instead, it can feel like the opponent is rubbing their victory in my face and implying that I’m not good enough to beat them even if I tried my best.

As a result, I may start to doubt my abilities, feel inadequate in all areas, sink into depression, and lose all motivation. This can leave me feeling utterly useless, with a shattered spirit, and spending the days aimlessly without purpose. This could be a great loss to society, as I may be the person to end world hunger, find a cure for cancer or prevent WW3 - all are not possible due to the lack of an auto-squelch feature!

Therefore, for the future of our children and the benefit of humanity, adding an auto-sequel feature must be done NOW!


If this post doesn’t convince them to implement that feature, nothing will.


I will always advocate for a live chat in this game that cannot be disabled.


So it’s frustrating if your opponent says “well played” at the end of every match.

I don’t know, it seems to me that everyone who actually wants auto-squelch is an uptight party pooper who needs to learn that mockery is good.


That is because you are a mean person

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I’m not mean, I’m just extroverted :cry:

OP, you had me until preventing WW3. I’m pro world wide death and destruction. Sorry but I’m on the other side now.


Why? Why can’t you learn that some people just don’t like mockery? Mockery in most forms are simply done by the weak to try and act bigger then they are.


I only see this because it was quoted, but absolute rubbish takes like this are why I have this poster on ignore.

Also, the op is an obvious troll.


An auto-sequel for your children does make sense. :joy:

Technically accurate. Although the way I’d phrase it is that you’re too brittle to take a joke.

you two are addicted to each other.
nothing else matters.



As a counter argument, I’d like to present the idea of an auto-belch. When someone auto-squelches you, you automatically belch in protest.


… I’m not sure how that works since one player has the other on ignore, but knock yourself out, I guess.

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The sour puss has a point. I don’t feel like my love is reciprocated at all.

Joke huh? You disquise your hatred and mean comments in jokes it is how you justify it.

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Awww, was someone bullied as a child and now needs to take it out on everyone by being a troll in online games?

I would be firmly in the whatever floats your boat category. I can’t imagine being distracted by emotes, and certainly can’t imagine feeling down about them. That would be a me problem, and I’d probably require hospitalization and years of therapy to get the emotes out of my head.
That said, if a player doesn’t want to emote, that’s their prerogative as well. You do you.


spoken like the true bundle of joy that you are. :roll_eyes:

Maybe one out of 20 or so games I face some fool who likes to spam emotes for no good reason and I squelch them because it’s distracting. And I 100% attribute everything they emote to, “this person is an immature person with major issues that I won’t be able to help them with” as I shut them down and play on.

I can’t see a reason why I would ever get tilted by game avatars voicing silly lines.

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