Request for Auto-Squelch (with convincing reasons)

Not at all. Although I did think it was weird that there was bullying in my high school, I was very fat at the time, yet I was left alone by the bullies. I guess being friends with the captain of the football team helped.

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FWIW, blizzard’s stated reason for not implementing auto-squelch (that they’d never sell bundles involving cosmetic heroes if people could auto-squelch their emotes) is entirely false. There are several digital ccgs with auto-squelch and they’ve never had any issues selling cosmetics that involved squelchable emotes.


Blizzard themselves are bullies as we have already seen/read with their own employees so that means we really get screwed.

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Request for Auto-Squelch

By far not the first one…

You’re addressing the wrong company, though. If it were up to NetEase or the like, they could have probably implemented those features that the community wanted — hadn’t they done tournaments or a deck tracker? ---- but it is not.

with convincing reasons

And where are those? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you’d mention something like muting those screeching, shrill opening remarks by Tamsin, which cannot be done manually, for example, I’d understand, but this looks like yet another topic about ‘MUH FEELINGS!!!111’ :man_shrugging:

It doesn’t matter what the reason(s) are for wanting auto-squelch. I mean seriously WHO cares if we have auto squelch?

For most it would be a Quality of Life nothing more as we already squelch every game. We would just like to not have to if you get the point.

You sound like the broken record of all the people who are against it (which boggles my brain) because you would never know so it would not even affect you.

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How would you feel if you found out that Blizzard was working on an entirely new emote and was recording one new voice line for every hero portrait?

I’d imagine you’d feel a bit angry that developer time was being spent on a feature you don’t care about, instead of on a feature that you do care about.

Only a tiny minority of (sensitive) players squelch every game. Most players do not care about autosquelch.

This is the part where you use your emotional intelligence. Although perhaps I’m expecting too much.

Now on the other hand, if you were volunteering to go to Blizzard to code it yourself at no cost to anyone but autosquelch desirers, then yeah I can’t see how anyone reasonable would have a problem with that. Maybe you could start a GoFundMe or something.

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This is the funniest post today.

This is what they need to implement to drive 60% of player base away.

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It’d actually drive 100% of the player base away because it would result in a class action lawsuit that Blizzard would lose. But it’s still a pleasant dream.

I get that this post is parody but hear me out here :slight_smile:
There are people who actually want this and spam forums demanding it.

Imagine the people behind that keyboard and their daily lives .

THEN imagine that therapy session they are in three times a week:

“And then….and then… HE SENT A PIXELATED SPEECH BUBBLE!!!”

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i grant you permission to squelch.

If not already mentioned: decktracker has a plugin that makes auto squelch possible. I’ve been using it for years without problems.