Reporting hackers?

Where can you report hackers?

Click the person’s name and using the cheating option then hacker. Doesn’t do anything, I report often. Mostly a feel good option for trash opponents. Hope you fair better.

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Well it was a real hacker. It was a duels game. When it started the person had a shield up over their character that i could not attack, target or damage. And he was spamming his oops emote while he killed me with spells!

Send a Ticket in through support with proof.

nothing ? sound like something peoiple who ve been cheating in duels would want people to believe

There is a known exploit in Duels currently that Blizzard is already aware of. It’s not a simple fix and that’s why Heroic Duels was closed. It’s very unlikely that your report would give them any relevant information that they didn’t already know.