Reporting a Player

Could an official Blizzard Representative explain this because it does not make sense, and tarnishes the validity of the system you have in place.

Chat in HS, is pre-determined. a player can only choose to communicate with another player via preset choices.

When reporting a player, I can select inappropriate chat.

Does this mean that some of your preset choices are inappropriate?


Does this mean that inappropriate chat is not possible, and reporting someone actually does nothing?

And hence the same holds true for all choices under reporting?

Inappropriate Chat means that someone added you as a friend and sent inappropriate messages through the chat. They are not preset choices. You’re thinking of emotes

Thank you for the input. It still doesn’t make sense even with that explanation however.


But why would I report chat messages, through HS specifically. Once they add me, it’s irrelevant. For all we know they may have discovered me via HS, watched me in an OW match and then sent the inappropriate chat message. Conversely, how am I supposed to know that a chat message received in the client, is from someone who discovered and added me during/after a HS match (unless I’m overly obsessed with monitoring the friends list and constantly am aware of which friends are in which games when a message is received)

Whole thing just leaves me with the feeling “Lets add this as it will make players feel like we listen to them and actually do something about it”.

Further to that, I’ve reported the same player 25+ times during every match for botting. There is so much time during their turns as the bot evaluates and then plays, with the same mouse overs again each turn, again each match that I just sit there and report them repeatedly until it’s my turn.

I’m sure all the players are familiar with the names similar to:

Like seriously, if your bot report staff can’t recognize bots by the naming conventions they use after hundreds of reports, perhaps it’s time explore staff that can. It seems more that there is no staff, and the report function does nothing other than try to feign to me that you actually read them and do something about it.

Generally, in my experience anyway, inappropriate chat only happens when someone sends a friend request immediately after a game, so it’s no mystery how the person found you.

It’s probably not helpful to send multiple reports of botting during the same match. It probably creates extra work for the people who could be spending more time looking into the reports, but that’s assuming that those people even exists, which I cannot guarantee.

Some adds you after you beat them…

They are mad, add you as a friend then go off on you " you @$#@@%#$%#$^#%" then unfriends you.

that’s what it means.

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