Reno the Lone Ranger requires a HUGE Nerf

The Reno Lone Ranger card needs a massive nerf; it’s impossible to play against it. I have played many matches with this type of deck, and when the opponent plays this disgusting card, I systematically lose despite being close to victory. Playing Anti-Reno decks that include duplicate cards like Plague Death Knight is useless because the condition to play Reno Lone Ranger is to have a deck without duplicates from the start. But that’s not all: I played a match with a Reno Mage, and when they played “Reno the Lone Ranger” and when the hero power of Reno the Lone Ranger became: “Deals two damage, refreshes two mana crystals, swaps every turn,” they only needed to play a Coldarra Drake to deal infinite damage to me, making it even more effective than a Quest Hunter. Is it time to nerf this disgusting card or not? Thanks for your attention.


Most decks in wild will kill a mage before they can ever play Reno, and the Coldarra Drake combo takes some additional luck since the Reno HP is random


And for that same reason is a very easy combo to disrupt
Seems strange to me that a wild player ask a nerf to a 9 cost card,
We are usually chads that dont throw tantrums…

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I am not a fan of the reno card, but my reason has nothing to do with what the op describes.
I mainly dislike it because it is yet another game reset.
You either reset the game or flip the table pretty much each times it is played.
The card simply does too much, and the highlander restriction really isn’t one these days.
Just my thinks.

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Cartman: Mom! Mommmmm! My opponent is having fun!
Bobby Kotick in an apron: Just one moment honey.

With trash decks out there like Sludgelock. Excavate lock, Spell mage and painlock, Reno is the card you are complaining about? There should be a rule that you can only cry about one deck a month. Way too many nerfs and balance changes now. The cycle of broken decks is still there you just cycle through the faster. Its a game of whats broke this week.

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best description of the game ever, at least for the past 5 years.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yeah, nicely said xD

Like I said before: The entire Highlander playstyle needs to be deleted from the game.
There is no penalty for a highlander deck most of the time these days.
Reno simply does way too much.
In Wild highlander decks are flatly disgusting.

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There are two ways to counter reno.

1: Somehow kill them before turn 8.5
2: Be very lucky and reno is on the bottom of their deck

Seriously there’s no other way without extra card draw there’s a 50% chance they have it by turn nine.

I’m not fudging these numbers 30-3 (starting cards)-3 for muligan, -9 for one card draw per turn. That’s 15 divide that by 30 and you get 0.5 that means 50%.

Reno is totally bovine refuse and uncounterable and it makes me just want to rope every turn against singleton decks so they get punished for playing that broken OP uncounterable card.


you should try wild where they can play a 40 card deck and shuffle through most of it in one or two turns to get the card.
Sickeningly broken.

You really need tutoring cards when playing with Renethal though. He’s not so broken. But no single card is worse than Reno, Lone ranger.

Amazing Reno isn’t anywhere near as broken despite being very similar, Since it wiped both boards and doesn’t restrict your opponent’s next move. If Reno, Lone ranger also wiped the whole board except for one minion for both players maybe I’d tolerate it. So long as it was made jammable again with Snake Oil Seller, plagues, bombs bad luck albatross etc.


I think the card just proves how desperate Team 5 is for ideas.
Their creativity is non-existent.

But they always have extra card draw, so it’s always more than 50%

Closer to 100% than to 50%, honestly

Absolutely true, it’s always more than 50% in practice due to extra card draw. That’s why the most reliable strategy is to be lucky and have it on the bottom of their deck.


Yeah. With dredge and every other draw mechanic, highlander decks have no drawback to anything but a turn 4/5 burn deck in wild which; of course, only select classes are capable of building.

Highlander is in the game to drive spending of resources and nothing else.

The payouts must be meta warping power levels or no one would ever use them, and here we are with a meta warped around highlander payouts.

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Were it up to me, the card would be deleted.
Team 5 should just issue a full refund along with an apology.

Mallen you are one of the few forumers that i respect…
For being a man of principles, just like the guy that main druid and doesnt use guff, and for that reason alone i will agree that maybe reno does to much,
I was playing my big pally and getting it going is hard enough
to get really frustrated when a reno just suddenly disappears your board…
I liked more when you could play around it with the darkness, albatross, etc., but now you eat it no matter what.
So the change i would make to it would be only: “if your deck didn’t start and doesn’t have repeated cards…”

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I don’t think board resets or table flip cards should exist.
And imo there are a great many in this game now.
No one card should have the power to win from a losing position.
No one card should be able to reverse ten minutes of bad plays.
Other people say I want to take the game back to Yeti days, but I say that is exaggeration.
What I want is a game of ebbs and flows, that a good player can capitalize on.
Right now, We have a game where players can ignore curve, mana management, and positioning altogether, and still win.
Draw is only a handicap for the classes team 5 neglects,
and even they get crippled draw, like discover.
Reno needs to either be changed or be removed.
There is no handicap to the highlander format, particularly in wild. Were it up to me this card and renethal would both be gone.

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