Reno the Lone Ranger requires a HUGE Nerf

After saying something like that, what defense would you have against someone who says that Mage should be deleted from the game?

Highlander is not a class though, is it?
It is a playstyle which used to be powerful, at the cost of not being consistent.
That is no longer the case. The deck is no longer handicapped by the single card restriction, thanks to the sheer amount of draw these days.
You need a stronger comparison, I think.
If you had said: “Delete Secret decks in all classes from the game”, that would be far closer.

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The point is that it’s a completely ridiculous thing to say

He got you on a Venn diagram technicality xD


I don’t follow, and tbh I don’t care. They’re never going to outright delete Highlander anyway and the hope that they do is so stupid AND hateful that it doesn’t deserve discussion

Playstyle/highlander set > class set

If you wanted to beat him, you should have said “what if someone said delete the whole tempo playstyle”, because tempo is his preferred playstyle

Well, something like that, maybe burn? Dunno, nothing is exactly the same width as Highlander


I don’t want to beat him. I’m disgusted that a friend would say something so stupid and hateful.

Precisely. Highlander is a playstyle that no longer works the way it was intended, thanks to draw.
And his comparison was invalid.

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Not only that, but the general quality of cards has risen. Less pack filler is being made, and we get free neutrals all the time. I imagine that in Wild, Highlander is literally nothing of a hindrance unless you have super specific win-cons that require multiples.

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Wild Highlander is just as reliable as any deckstyle. It really only loses to super fast decks, which all classes cannot run.

What I said wasn’t hateful. We are discussing a card game.
And the playstyle no longer has the same handicap it once did.
And friends can disagree, and still be friends.
At least; this one can.

Don’t take his comment seriously.
He is misdirecting because he knows he was wrong.


Kite his reno if you know you’re up against one. Hold off on your win condition cards till after. Avarage reno will play it when the board is full or a fat taunt is in the way.

Spoken like a Reno advocate who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Evem if you do manage to bait out Reno you still lose a whole lot of value (when they only play 1 card) and oractically have to skip a turn. While they do a perfect one-sided board wipe and heal and basically force you to skip your turn.

Sure, sure, your argument has valor. It works for the deck i used, thats why i made the suggestion not thinking that the player above isn’t running the same deck. You mustn’t be rude, i will backstab your lunch money. :kissing_heart:

The most OP card in standard right now. Complete board wipe, silences all deathrattles, gain 5 armor, gain powerful hero power, opponent has to skip next turn (essentially). And can’t be countered by shuffling things into your opponents deck anymore. Ridiculous.


must be a bug i never got my turn skipped
i usually drop yogg to deal with my opponent board if he had any

Yep. It is complete nonsense. No counter to it, zero downside to playing it.

People were literally running Renathol for +5 hp. Do you really think that a Highlander deck with huge payoff has a downside? Multiple huge payoffs?

I can see the argument that this Reno is stronger than +10 HP Ren.

+10 Ren was more obnoxious because everyone played it. Give you that.

I don’t really have a problem with highlander decks because decks with only one of each card are a handicap. What I don’t like is players copying cards to get around the highlander handicap. Really that’s a problem with the game in general though. Hearthstone’s rules aren’t really rules, just suggestions. You can get around almost everything. Mana limits? Play 10 cost cards on turn 4! No duplicates? Just copy your hand or shuffle copies of minions you like into your deck! 30 card limit to your deck? Nah, you can create infinite cards!

One thing I’d like to see in future expansions is more real tradeoffs in deckbuilding. There should be a price for mana cheating, for trying to get infinite value, for getting duplicates in decks that aren’t supposed to have duplicates.

Every Reno that get played is a ropegame for sure, cause who plays him deserves punishment. Most unfair card ever. U dont even bleed for it.