Reno still a structural problem

this card should not wipe portals and graveyard mobs from the game, especially since it does not affect the player’s board.

there is no serious, reliable counter to this card at 10 mana.

look at the difference between reno and warlock’s twisting nether.

at 8 mana, it also destroys your own board.

or if you are playing a “reno” deck, you play zephrys for 2 then twisting nether for 8. board cleared on both sides.

for 2 more mana, hero reno entirely wipes the opponent’s board/portals/graveyard with no effect on their own, gains 5 armor, and prevents the opponent from having more than one minion on the board.

I realize that the reno hero card is not in the “top performing decks” but it is probably the worst card ever created in terms of feelsbadman.

there are lots of ways to disrupt your opponent in this game. I play a lot of them. I have had them played against me.

the reno hero card is awful. the worst. ever.

so you are saying the HL restriction should be removed and be a lower rarity in exchange of affecting the entire board ?

the card simply does too much for no real downside and no real deck building restrictions and it has no real counter in 2024 hearthstone.

there are a lot of very unfun ways to lose in hearthstone. while this card is not an insta-lose card, its asymmetries are just too glaring.

mage has a reno poof hero card. but it poofs their board too. it has a more difficult deck building and game play condition.

at least make the reno hero card be no duplicates in the beginning deck AND at time of play. the card needs a reliable counter.

if you are trying to counter a “reno deck” but you can’t counter a “reno card”, then you don’t really have a counter.

i think it should affect the entire board. wipe the whole thing.

either that or it should not clear portals, locations, graveyard minions, etc.

its current structure isnt a question of its mana cost, but the reasons I have already laid out.

fwiw, I play decks that play the card. it is in the game. even in the decks I play it in, I still don’t think it should work the way it does.

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is good it removes dormant minions and portals

we needed a way to that maybe with some luck in the future well get more removal of that type

I think reno was fine at 9, I think hearthstone OVER-CATERS to the agro side as they are “mobile” game and matches lasting more then 10 mins can be complete(by most players) in the time they use the restroom. If clears and full clears were as pushed as agro in the early days no one would bat an eye but since this is the first time since psychic scream we had a good board wipe everyone has wined even after it was nerfed for sentimental reason(going to 10 was a power level fix it was a everyone is complaining so this is the best we can do)

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From the twisting nether comparison, we had plague of death
For 1 more mana you added the silence effect to deny deathrattles and reborns.
For 1 more mana you add the ability to remove dormant minions (locations are now included in the 8 cost removal)
For the cost of being a legendary you add the one-sidded effect (ie : Gigafin)
For the cost of being highlander you add the board restriction and hero power

Doesn’t look to be that much of an issue at 10 mana
It’s only a good thing that a 10 mana legendary card does something strong
Saying that there’s no counter to a 10 mana card is a narrowed vision that completely neglects the 9 turns you had to prevent your oppoent from playing their 10 cost card

Looking at the 33 10 mana legendaries, all that saw play were either win conditions on their own, or had a huge board impact
And some of them actually needed mana reduction to become playable
And even checking at other rarities, there are almost none that got actually played for 10 mana

Not every mechanic needs a hard counter. And on the other side of things, Reno is the only hard counter to dormant minions and objects, so I don’t get why you ask for contradicting designs

Comparing the 10 cost reno to a 10 cost zephrys + hero power is also completely ommitting the huge flexibility of Zephrys. If Zephrys was only a 10 mana twisting nether it wouldn’t ever see play. What makes Zephrys strong is not the cards it gives, it’s when it gives them


Are people really STILL crying about Reno?? For crying out loud if you can’t beat someone with a Reno deck by turn 10, or at least see it coming, that’s a you problem.


My only complaint after Reno became a 10-mana card is that it still clears everything.

The best-designed control finishers in recent memory have been Sargeras and Rheastrasza. Slow-burn finishers that win through value alone, applying pressure rather than just getting card advantage. They represent the best control finishers Blizzard has printed IMO.

I wish to see finishers like these in the spotlight, but Reno ruins that.
I would revert Reno to 8 mana and make him only exile minions, not everything.

i look forward to you linking your youtube channel with your 100% win rate decks against reno decks.

Your right that the card should never had been made but by turn 10 in this current Meta either your opponent or you should be dead. Try a different deck style

reno priest loses vs pretty much everything in game right now

Reno is just OP. Game would be better without that card.

Reno is gonna be least of people problems when this new expansi9n drops. You’re gonna pray to bring back this meta after you see the overpowered garbage being released. Enjoy dying before turn 8 consistently so people won’t even have the chance to play Reno . Oh wait warriors and druids can ramp to 16 mana now… nevermind :joy::joy::joy:

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The wipe effect should probably be symmetrical imo. The poofing is okay I guess though nulifies too many strategies i think (dormants, deathrattles, etc). but being able to play Reno as an aggressive card too while preserving your own board, is probably too much.