Reno need to be 10 mana

For a card that can single-handedly change the flow of battle, it needs to cost the maximum amount. Completely wiping the board and limiting your opponent’s space late game is devastating. The cost needs to reflect it, and it needs to be a once a game mechanic. Probably some other powerful cards like bombboss, helya, shudderblock, Aviana need that tag as well. Others like Reska probably need a limit like twice per game maybe 3 times per game etc. (And this is coming from a DK player.) Definitely some priest cards needs limits to how much the effect of certain cards can be used per game. It wouldn’t hurt for them to try and balance all this broken crap.

OP just lost after his/her opponent played their Reno hero n wiped out all kinds of nice minions n came to vent.


I am not a fan of Reno. Please stop calling players names.

happens all the time ive seen people mentioingn the run a deck with a good match up vs warrior or mage ( close to 60%) raging about the 1 game they lost

It was already nerfed Twice by cost and how it can be played. How much more do you want???

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Oh, now it’s a nerf, is it? Huh. Funny that.

Thought it was a “fair trade”?

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Yes. They nerfed it and a half dozen decks disappeared from the meta. Is that hard to understand?

I think it’s fair to say the card is a problem for many players still.
It simply does too much.

It’s literally the only reason to play Highlander decks.

I question whether highlander decks should even exist.
Seems to me the restriction isn’t very, anymore.

No, you clearly said it was a fair trade off. It hurt some Reno decks but made others stronger by taking away a counter. That’s not a nerf. That’s a TRADE OFF.

Decks that didn’t abuse that wording lost their weakness at the cost of 1 mana, which didn’t mean much as it was in late game decks anyhow.

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The statement i said in this thread is that the card was nerfed twice. It in fact WAS nerfed twice. The results of it being nerfed twice is that it removed a couple decks from the meta that were abusing the wording in order to obtain the power the card was supposed to provide to a highlander deck. It was a GOOD TRADE OFF to the card for it to be nerfed in wording and only be usable in the decks it was meant to be in.

If you think the wording made the highlander decks stronger you aren’t looking at the statistics or played the deck. Plague DK never meaningfully stopped Highlander decks from beating them. In fact Brann Warrior could have cared less about Plagues and still beat them handily. Revert it back and let plagues effect highlander right now and they will still get beat because Plague DK is just a BAD DECK overall. Two cards in a deck being possibly unplayable don’t make the deck lose automatically.

It nerfed some decks. The card wasn’t blatantly nerfed. It was a trade off that made other decks even stronger. Those decks that were abusing the wording can still exist as well and will see replacement cards since the pools are overall way better than when Highlander was introduced. The card was technically nerfed in mana cost, but the mechanic was buffed, and the buff outwayed the nerf, since now there is no counter to it.

It’s not about Plague DK being bad. It can get better. It’s about it being uncountable now. The change to the mechanic has future ramifications.

And it’s just bad flavor. That’s not a Lone Ranger. He makes the opponent the Lone Ranger. What a fail.

Like how it went from half a dozen to a couple. Crazy.


It was absolutely 100% buffed by the last change.

It may have nerfed a warrior deck or something, but it BUFFED highlander without question.

To assert that the change to start of game was a nerf is to be disingenuous at best.


just change it so he removes ALL minions, like the previous version and limits both players to a single board space.


No, it needs be a mirrored effect. Wiping out both players boards not just the opponents. It’s a better, cheaper neutral version of the Mage card from Galakrond’s awakening.

It simply does way too much for a single neutral card even with the singleton restrictions.
So much so that it’s an auto-include in all singleton decks that other more interesting cards like the one that summons elementals and Elise don’t get a chance to be played.

Also it needs to be jammable with snake oil seller, bad luck albatross again. Especially since Snake Oil seller came out on the same expansion.


Reno is such not a lone ranger that he doesn’t fall for that snake oil, either. He can do it all. Ignore his own card flavor. Ignore the expansion flavor. All in one card.

There’s no snake in his boot as he challenges you to a duel and shows up with an entire gang.

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Elise is played in every reno priest.

I agree completely.


It was not nerfed actually… it was buffed because removed duplicate counter and this change has made the meta to use more Renos than before… can be changed to 10 mana… it won’t change much in my opinion… this card just need to be hit hard… clear both sides of the board for example or just remove 3 minions… or clear the enemy board and discard a card for each minion/location removed. Need to be something drastical for a strong effect like this…