Reno hero card unfair

Why the hell reno hero card remove portals and locations … its kinda dumb … it says minions and limit it to 1 for a turn but nothing for portals and locations …


poofff that’s how it works. Bye bye… completely fine in my opinion.

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hmm when was the last time you read the card ? the changed it to make it easier to understand

Reno is stupid strong. Reno on turn 8, you play a strong minion to try to scrape by on your one space, turn 9 Yogg they yank it from you, then get told to play around it meanwhile they have armor and an upgraded hero power and their full board to finish you off.

“Beat them before turn 8 hurr durr”

Yea okay, we know you’re bad faith. I’m sure the Reno stans who love their easy wins will flood this thread soon to call you terrible and to git gud soon OP. Then they will cry that their game they invested thousands into will be dead in the next 2 years.


hurr durr ?
nobody speaks like that and
try to not overextend save something to play after a board clear like we do with any other board clear i usually drop a yog after a reno or a board clear ive saving for several turns

sometiems i do some minion trades to make sure my opponent wont ge the board advantage if he plays reno

or just nuke the board on turn 7(badlands brawler )

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-Unnecessarily rude comment edited-

Meh, Reno is ok. There are plenty of wipe/board reset cards. No big deal. There are a lot more deck combos that need adjusting more.


It’s a neutral card with conditions. The card is fine.

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Yeah Highlander Hunter is completely fine with an almost 58% win rate in legend. Nothing to see here.

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the card is truly OP. it leaves its own minions aswell which makes it crazy strong
I was very annoyed seeing that my dormant minions also disappear,
It should remove atleast whole board then


If you think Reno is sick, I just successful playtested my infinite Reno deck. I can play him every 2 turns.
My opponent quit.
Think they may have been mad.

Reno is just broken and its power will be AUTO-REMOVED from the game next major-patch; it’s obviously known by the Devs and they do it on purpose; they make broken-OP cards so that people feel then need to buy their new thing (before they nerf it for the next thing).

The worst part about Reno is the big picture of “Highlander” decks in general. They are ugly cashgrabs; their synergy is terrible; they are mainly broken-OP cards that are impossible to be collected naturally by new accounts even if they pay for regular services.

should do it to all minions, though. I mean, thats how the other one works. I guess it was too fair.