Reno card dissapperer hero power should not be a battlecry

redicoulous. plays reno hero with birds and there is no way to beat this. There is nothing that can beat this when they play the jabberwackiy.
What is the defense for this?

Write the exact card names and I’ll help you

I don’t know the names. I just describe what the cards do. I have played this game since it came out. Nerw players like you may not understand what the cards do so it may miystify you when I describe them.
Like if I say they played 1 cost spell destroyer card you would never bee able to figure it out because you have not played long enough.

stock he’s talking about the shaman Macaw bird(the one use in shudderwock deck
…although i’am not sure why he referring to the hero power when he seem to talk mostly about the battlecry effect

the hero power itself is only a problem in mage(iinfinite mana refresh with the 6 mana dragon that allow unlimited use of the hero power

silent there was no need to refer to the warrior execute card spell, btw i think your keyboard need to be repair, its adding letters where they should not be :S

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Madam, I am talking about the battlecry of the reno hero card that makes asll the cards vanish.

your post about the Macaw replaying the Reno battlecry

your post about the Execute spell from warrior that cost 1 mana and destroy a minion

i haven’t miss the part about the Reno Hero card…you were saying that you hate the Macaw replaying his effect

EDIT: oh and not sure why you assume my gender to be female just cause i got a female avatar XD this is the internet… i’am only using it as picture because i like this card art design, and generally i also prefer using a picture of female characters

Sir the card that destroys 1 cost spells does not destroy cards. You have not played long enough to know what Card I am talking about. The card cost 6 mana to play and destroys all spells that cost 1 mana. I have played since the game came out. That is why I know what cards do.

Nobody knows what the hell you are talking about. Your posts make as much sense as Biden trying to give a speech.

Skulking Geist, cool card


well the way you worded it made it sound like Execute, if you meant that 6 mana card… then cuddles beat me to it :S

also wrong i played long enough to reach top 10 legend at some point in wild(my track record can’t be erase from the d0nkey website XD(nice assumption there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

as for total play time hard to say…probably in the 5000-8000 hours if not more,


Exactly. New players have no idea what I am talking about.